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  • 网络乔尼;琼尼;琼妮
  1. Joni feels that her husband has an affair with some woman .


  2. Joni thought that would be the end . But it wasn 't .


  3. Joni praised him , telling her husband this could be his signature piece .


  4. Naomi heard multiple stops and starts , Steve struggling , searching while his wife Joni called him " honey " and encouraged him .


  5. A young singer who went by the name of Joni jones .


  6. Joni : Oh , this bag of fertilizer is so heavy .


  7. He wants Joni , now18 , to help him find their biological father ;


  8. Joni : Thanks . I didn 't know we had so many large bags of seeds , too .


  9. Joni : And how am I going to pull all of these weeds ?


  10. As Joni prepares to leave for college , 15-year-old Laser presses her for a big favor .


  11. The linked article continues with the benchmark results comparing the code before and after the merge , which shows significant speed ups with the Joni code .


  12. Joni : Smell that fresh air . Aren 't you glad I got you to help me plant this garden ? We 're going to have so much fun today .


  13. He made a bigger impact in 1970 with the launch of Asylum Records , which nurtured actsincluding The Eagles and Joni Mitchell .


  14. After reading the script , we were drawn to the relationship between the donor dad and Joni , and how their souls connected even though they had never met .


  15. Joni Sternbach , a photographer and professor at the International Center of Photography , is one of the 59000 traveling vicariously through the Harteaus " Instagram feed .


  16. Thanks . That 's great . Because if you decided to hang on to my Joni Mitchell CDs I 'd have to come after you with a club .


  17. It 's going to be a conversation between Joni and Giuseppe talking about planting things in your back yard in back of your house in the ground so that they will grow .


  18. The same point has been raised by several Republican candidates in tight Senate races , including David Perdue of Georgia , Mike Rounds of South Dakota and Joni Ernst of Iowa .


  19. Tempe-rature of the arc core reached about 12500K . It is just the temperature of complete joni - : zation of sodium atom . The results of our experiment should be aimed at the research on the mechanism of pollution flashover .


  20. Chelsea has heard us tell stories about her childhood many times : She knows she was named after Judy Collins 's version of Joni Mitchell 's song " Chelsea Morning , " which her father and I heard as we strolled around Chelsea district in London , during the wonderful vacation we took over Christmas in 1978 .
