The whole place looked like a junkyard , and nothing could be accomplished there .
People who are unkind3 or uncaring can be described as meaner than a junkyard dog .
He rescued an old car from a junkyard and made it run .
A junkyard is not a fun place for a dog .
It turns out that she was carrying the food back to the junkyard .
You know that old Ford at the junkyard ?
I found this television in a junkyard & it 's amazing what people will throw away .
As she grew , she became friends with all the other animals in the junkyard .
You accidentally drive into a junkyard , drive out , and get accused of stealing .
Sound wizard Ben Burtt recorded many of the sounds for this film in a junkyard .
Every day they searched the junkyard for something useful that they can resell for money so they can buy food .
on hold at a kooky , fun staten island junkyard .
and then bash ' em together with old ketchup packets he 'd found in cars at the junkyard .
She is dirty because she has to pick up cans in the junkyard .
NASA normally tries to avoid adding to the orbiting junkyard , but officials felt they had no choice in this case .
For the past three years , she has been walking the four-mile distance from the junkyard to Lucias home every night .
People who are unkind or uncaring can be described as meaner than a junkyard dog .
She lives in a junkyard , hangs out with a motley crew , and she makes sure her friends never go hungry .
It is reasonable that the displacement of the junkyard slopes is great because the height of the yard is so big as well as its deformation .
It is ultimately washed ashore in the spleen , the junkyard of the circulatory system . An accumulation of miscellaneous things .
In the winter of 1980 , the Birthday Party moved to London , where it released two brilliant albums , Prayers on Fire and Junkyard .
Most managers , after all , do not stitch an industrial triumph from a vast bankrupt junkyard , as Sloan did .
As her responsibilities grew , she knew she had to find a way to provide food for her cubs , as there was little to be found at the junkyard .
I found it in a gutter.It must have fallen off the dump truck on the way to the junkyard and got tossed around in the rain and somehow made its way back to me .
Whether it 's doing logic puzzles , memorizing lines from Shakespeare , or learning a new skill , keep your brain busy , if you don 't want it to rust away like a car in a junkyard .
The Grinch vows to spoil Christmas and goes burgling every Who house , dressed as Santa Clause and flying a rocket-powered sled he banged together from junkyard scrap .
He was a college dropout who struggled to support his wife , DeAnn , and three kids , working as a grocery store clerk and at a junkyard where he melted scrap metal alongside convicts .
Almost as unanticipated as theocracy on the march has been the summons , from the tomb , of financial governance that quaint old thing abandoned in the junkyard of the outmoded as the 1990s expired .