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  1. However , cultural difference is not the hindering factor to performance ; in fact , heterogeneity provides JVs with better outcomes .


  2. Such arrangements , typical of foreign JVs in China , work fine for routine complaints , such as one party seeking damages from the other for a faulty product .


  3. The Development of JVS Model Josephson Voltage Standard


  4. China Auto : JVs To The End ?


  5. A Review of Developments , Reorganizations and JVs in the Special Purpose Vehicle Market


  6. The program spawned two joint ventures ( JVs );


  7. Application Technology of JVS Polymers Steel Fiber Concrete and JVS Cement Daub Concrete for Repair and Strengthening


  8. In their defence , western banks say the China securities business is barely half the story of the JVs .


  9. RBS joins a growing list of foreign banks forming securities JVs in China , including Credit Suisse .


  10. As a rule , JVs can only offer funds investing in Chinese shares , fixed income and money market funds .


  11. For one thing , JVs themselves are a tad anachronistic .


  12. None of the foreign bank JVs except UBS and Goldman are allowed to do secondary trading in China .


  13. Both JVs met with limited success in part because the selected Chinese aerospace industry companies had little experience or interest in manufacturing turbines .


  14. In the field of JVs research , most achievements base on the JVs founded before 1996 because of the lack of data .


  15. The problem for investors in Western banks is the lack of clarity on what these JVs cost and what they produce in return .


  16. Preliminary information on the sample companies was obtained from official web-sites and was later confirmed by the representatives of corresponding JVs .


  17. Allowing foreign financial institutions to hold majority stakes in JVs would facilitate the transfer of know-how necessary for the continued development of Chinese capital markets .


  18. Danone 's interests in the JVs were represented primarily by Stephen Yau , a finance director .


  19. The provision is confined to the electric power projects invested by Chinese-foreign JVs , Chinese-foreign cooperative enterprises and exclusively foreign-owned enterprises .


  20. While the JVs have proven lucrative for both multinational car companies and their state-owned partners , the latter have failed to develop their own brand products .


  21. For his services at the JVs , Mr Zong was paid more than $ 60m over a 10-year period , not including dividends .


  22. Mr Alexander expects several other beleaguered European financial groups will seek to raise capital in the coming year by selling their stakes in Chinese JVs , which have become increasingly valuable .


  23. It introduces the unique material properties of JVS polymers steel fiber concrete and JVS cement daub and the effective construction technology of them in dealing with structural cracks , defaults and damages .


  24. Over time , the number of Danone-invested JVs would expand to 39 , while the number of non-JVs privately controlled by Mr Zong would mushroom to at least 96 .


  25. Banks with JVs saw their combined share of Chinese business peak at almost 35 per cent in early 2007 , according to the internal study , before dropping to just over 10 per cent by late last year .


  26. Of the JVs established in the first five years after the market opened up for foreign participation ( 2002-2007 ) 19 are positioned outside the top 20 positions with a combined market share of just under 16.5 per cent .


  27. There are pockets of hospitality : Shanghai has expedited looser registration requirements and lighter tax burdens for joint ventures with local firms , and has given the green light to JVs offering renminbi funds .


  28. This article concludes that putting the two important factors of investment motives and cooperative skills together can have an effect on the cultural background . The similarities are the exact reason for the organization to achieve synergy in Sino-European JVs .


  29. Based on the national economic census data , JVs composed by stated-owned equity and oversea-invested equity were collected . Performance evaluation model of corporate social responsibility is established from the perspectives of benefits of the society , stockholder and employee .


  30. Based on these studies and complemented by my 10-odd years of experience in JVs , I propose that it is an effective solution of cross-culture management to establish a Mixed Culture with all the advantages in each culture reserved so that JVs ' competitiveness will be improved .
