- n.卡瓦;卡瓦胡椒

Objective : To study the effects of Kava Pyrons on ability of resistance to oxygen absence of mouse .
Kava kava is banned in the UK because of reports of associated liver damage .
Low magnesium induced changes of field potentials and role of lactone kava in the entorhinal cortex slices of infant rat
( Polynesian ) an alcoholic drink made from the aromatic roots of the kava shrub .
Kava Kava can be used in the form of an herbal tea to reduce stress , anxiety and sleeping disorders .
The results of the University of Sydney 's study clearly support earlier literature observations on kava 's adverse affects on the functioning of the liver in general .
Leading a team of researchers from the University of Sydney , Professor Ramzan spent one year investigating the cellular effects of kava on the liver .
Activity & . Usage : Kava Kava Extract is of liver maintaining activities , and it is used as material for pharmaceuticals and health foods .
The people of Tanna are also likely to invite you to drink kava , the local intoxicant , or perhaps join a village dance .