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  • 网络基特;杨玺
  1. I must emphasize that I can work with anybody including the President Datuk Seri Ong Tee Keat .


  2. Complaint says Zhang Qingxin continue in all language newspapers and news sites repeating the same accusations , and further stigmatization Ong Tee Keat .


  3. Ong Tee Keat said in the complaint , Zhang Qingxin 's remarks on his reputation , image and credibility of serious damage , leaving him much public hatred and discrimination .


  4. In addition to compensation , Ong Tee Keat also called for an unconditional resumption Zhang Qingxin remarks , while the major newspapers in all languages in the country a public apology .


  5. Ong Tee Keat is also MCA president , said yesterday the appointment of three law firms filed a nine-lawyer group in Kuala Lumpur High Court , prosecution Zhang Qingxin defamation .


  6. It discusses the relationship among imago , imagination , and aesthetics , analyses the ingenuity of Keat 's employment of diversified imagoes in To Autumn and then discloses the double symbolic meaning of imagoes .
