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  1. When the Dow Jones Industrial Average hit a new record this past March , Brent Kessel awoke at 3:30 a.m.


  2. Mr. Kessel , who devoted himself to responding to emails from his clients and colleagues later that day , shrugs off the bull market .


  3. Nevertheless , they can still inflict damage , says NASA 's program scientist , Mona Kessel .


  4. ' I think the very common reaction , even 15 years ago , would have been , ' These guys are California quack jobs , ' ' says Mr. Kessel .


  5. ' Everything is impermanent , especially the market 's level , ' says Mr. Kessel , whose firm is Abacus Wealth Partners in Santa Monica , Calif.


  6. Jeff Bogart , like Messrs. Kessel and Sherman a Kinder disciple , launched Yogic Investing , a yoga-inspired branch of his Cleveland-area financial-advisory firm last year . '


  7. Throw a rock in Silicon Valley and you are likely to hit a software engineer who can cite how long it took the Millennium Falcon to make the Kessel Run in " Star Wars . "


  8. We also have a lot of satellites that fly through that area - communications satellites , navigation satellites - and so we need to understand what it is that the effects are , because the effects can be quite dramatic , said Kessel .


  9. In the video " The Casualties in China 's Economy , " also available in Chinese , Jonah M. Kessel reports on the social pressure that young people face to buy an apartment of their own , and what happens when those investments go wrong .


  10. Messrs. Kessel and Sherman use a Kinder-influenced financial-planning approach at Abacus , and say they buy stocks and bonds based on research instead of ' emotions and hot tips . ' They typically prefer passive index funds to actively managed ones , and unlike panicked investors who fled equities during the financial crisis ,
