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  • 网络供应;气动元件;飞泰;小金井;台湾飞泰
  1. There were similar performances under the nitrogen application of 80 kgN · hm-2 .


  2. In our experiment the sensing pull with temperature self-compensated reaches 7 kgN .


  3. When nitrogen application amount was 180 kgN / ha , ear number could increase with the increase of basic seedling number .


  4. Icariin promotes estrogen biosynthesis in KGN cells by increasing mRNA and protein expression of aromatase .


  5. There were no synergistic effect on DTOC expect TiO_2 / H_2O_2 in KGN system .


  6. Ha-1 , N2O emission from 0.05 to 0.95 kgN .


  7. The results showed that the accumulated amount of net nitrogen mineralization was 4.44 KgN . TURNOVER OF MICROBIAL BIOMASS IN RHIZOSPHERE SOILS OF CLOVER AND RYEGRASS


  8. In the green cabbage field experiment , 3 treatments were control , low rate N and high rate N with a total application rate of 0 , 75 and 150 kgN / hm2 , respectively .


  9. The benefits of nitrogen , phosphorus and potassium were 1.62 kg / kgN , 1.85 kg / kgP_2O_5 and 2.71 kg / kgK_2O respectively .


  10. Compared to normal dosage of N fertilization ( 150 kgN / hm 2 ), insufficient amount increase of N fertilizer ( 8 % increase ) does not affect both yield and NE .


  11. In the entire steady operation the maximum influent and removal total nitrogen loading reached respectively 0.3457 kgN / m ~ 3 . d and 0.2814 kgN / m ~ 3 . d.


  12. The results indicated that nitrogen fertilizer was applied in excessive quantities for cereal production , in a range from 106 to 636 kgN · ha-1 for one crop outside of the demonstration villages .


  13. The grain yield increased by 5.7 % , but the N loss and N2O emission amounts were also increased by 4.05 and 1.84 kgN . ha-1 for urea was applied in two times and once respectively .


  14. This study was conducted to compare NO 3-N cumulation and leaching from a winter wheat / summer maize rotation under four applied N fertilizer rates of 0,120 , 240 , and 360 kgN / ha .


  15. Spikelets / fertile tiller and thousand-seed weight were 11.2 and 4.857 g at the application rate of 90kgN / hm ~ 2 in autumn and 90 kgN / hm ~ 2 in spring .


  16. Nitrogen recovery of rice controlled-release nitrogen fertilizer was changed in the ranged from 69.7 % ~ 86.9 % , and was 37.5 % higher than that of urea treatment with 90 kgN / ha by early rice and later rice in different basic soil fertility level .


  17. Adding nitrogen fertilizer ( compared the 150 kgN / hm2 applied rates with 75 kgN / hm2 ) had the tendency to increasing effect ears , grains per ear and decrease thousand-grain weight , but its increase or decrease variation amplitude of varieties was large .


  18. In the North China Plain , considering water-saving , high-yielding and high efficient utilization of fertilizer , the appropriate fertilization amount of winter wheat was 140 ~ 200 kgN / hm2 , and that of summer corn was 180 ~ 240 kgN / hm2 .
