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  1. New model and algorithm for solving the KKT system of optimal power flow


  2. Comparing condition number with structured condition number for KKT systems


  3. A BFGS Method for Solving KKT Systems of Constrained Optimization Problems


  4. Methods Learning Motivation Factors Test ( KKT ) was conducted on 1,186 middle school students .


  5. Structured sensitivity analysis for a class of KKT systems


  6. By the KKT condition of solution procedure , samples in training set can be divided into three categories .


  7. Study on optimal power flow based on primal-dual interior point algorithm under perturbed KKT conditions and branch-and-bound method


  8. Perturbation analysis for structured KKT systems


  9. This article researches the structured condition number on KKT system , for a special KKT system , the structured sensitivity is also considered .


  10. The primal-dual interior point method based on perturbed KKT ( Karush-Kuhn-Tucker ) condition is used to solve it .


  11. Some sufficient conditions for a KKT point of the constrained optimization problem to be a solution of GNCP are presented .


  12. Meanwhile , KKT conditions are spread to fuzzy optimization problem with inequality and equality constraints , which broaders their application .


  13. Under some suitable conditions , theoretical analysis shows that the sequences generated by the method converge globally to the KKT point of the point .


  14. The algorithm added one training sample every step and constructed current training set using KKT condition in order to adjust the maximal margin hyperplane dynamically .


  15. When the object and constraint functions are continous , it shows the relations of KKT points and local saddle-points .


  16. This method is based on the solutions of linear systems of equations reformulation of the KKT optimality conditions , by using the Fischer-Burmeister functions .


  17. By reformulating the KKT system as a constrained equation , the algorithm generates the search direction by solving a linear equation at each iteration .


  18. From aspect of hydrodynamics , the top right corner of KKT matrix M is often semi-positive , sometimes , the factor F is given directly .


  19. By using the nonlinear complementarity function to reformulate the KKT system of optimization problem , the non-inferior Nash equilibrium of electric spot market is solved simply and fast .


  20. Based on KKT condition , the possible change of support vector set is analyed after new samples are added to training set and a view named parallel potential data set is put forward .


  21. As an incidental result , the definition of approximate KKT point is brought forward , and the global convergence of a sequence of approximate KKT point s is analyzed .


  22. The algorithm makes full use of the feature that OFDM resource allocation problem is a mixed optimization problem , using evolutionary algorithm to optimize discrete variables and using KKT conditions to optimize continuous variables .


  23. The method first maps time series to phase space , and then obtains a distinguish function by one-class classification in phase space , finally , outliers detection is proceed based on KKT conditions .


  24. This article deals with the sensitivity analysis for this subclass of KKT systems . Optimal backward perturbation analysis is investigated . The partial condition numbers are defined and explicit formulae are derived .


  25. The KKT conditions of a nonlinear programming with linear inequality constrains can be transformed into a system of equations by NCP function . Then it is smoothed by Entropy smoothing function .


  26. By leading in the nonlinear complementarity function , the constraints of complementarity relaxation conditions in KKT equation of interior point method are changed into equality constraints and can be solved by Newton method .


  27. The sequence generated by our algorithm is proved to be convergent at KKT points of the primal problem under certain assumptions . Finally some illustrative examples are given to show how this method works .


  28. Based on the homogenization effect of min max principle , a new merit function is presented , so that a self adjusting function is embedded into perturbed KKT conditions for primal dual interior point methods .


  29. Based on L1 norm model and interior point , a novel power flow algorithm is presented in this paper . Using the perturbed KKT conditions , an interior point algorithm is proposed to solve the general power flow problems .


  30. The transfer rate of the system can be gotten through the power allocation result obtained by KKT conditions and the subcarrier allocation program . The transfer rate of the system is regarded as the fitness of the individual .
