首页 / 词典 / good


  • 网络沙特阿拉伯;韩国标准协会;K波段单址勤务;阿拉毕;苏扩尔
  1. The competition between enterprises is talents competition in the final analysis . How to make full use of the KSA to make more performance is the key of the company .


  2. It can set the voltage alarm threshold when working , and sample the voltage waveform in real time at the sampling rate as high as 14 kSa / s.


  3. Of the phase correction mirror system works and the design method , based on algorithms of error control KSA and scalar diffraction theory , the preparation of the phase correction mirror adaptive design process , and discussed the beam quality evaluation methods .


  4. To study the principles and design methods of the phase-corrected mirrors , using KSA algorithm to produce a self-adaptive design and analysis procedure about phase-corrected mirrors and according to the vector diffraction theory to develop a numerical analysis program .
