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lady go

美 [ˈleɪdi ɡoʊ]英 [ˈleɪdi ɡəʊ]
  • 网络幸田未来;幸田来未
lady golady go
  1. Grace appeared in the dining-room light but didn 't come forward . " The lady go ?" she said .


  2. Its husband 's legs get hurt to still walk with a cane and get on the car and get off , thus toss about , said lady angry go to a polar .


  3. The old lady doesn 't go out in the winter , for she feels the cold a great deal .


  4. Old lady : Oh , go ahead , little fella .


  5. And how did Lady Gaster 's party go ?


  6. We asked this lady if we could go inside , have a look at the house , she said yes , so come on in .


  7. ' Supposing we should decide , on to-morrow 's inquiries , to send Paul down to Brighton to this lady , who would go with him ?
