late trimester of pregnancy

美 [leɪt traɪˈmestər əv ˈpreɡnənsi]英 [leɪt traɪˈmestə(r) ɒv ˈpreɡnənsi]
  • 网络妊娠晚期
late trimester of pregnancylate trimester of pregnancy
  1. Influence of individualized health education on low back pain at the late trimester of pregnancy


  2. Results : Unexpected or repeated painless vaginal bleeding and postpartum hemorrhage were main symptoms in late trimester of pregnancy .


  3. Clinical observation of late trimester of pregnancy controlled birth weight


  4. Research on the relationship between psychological state of women in late trimester of pregnancy and delivery modes


  5. Clinical significance of anticoagulative and fibrinolytic activities in normal late trimester of pregnancy


  6. Probe into the application of fetal heart monitoring for Fetus Prognosis in late trimester of pregnancy


  7. Using B Ultrasound to Screen Metra Scar Flaw of Late Trimester of Pregnancy


  8. Influence of androgen exposure in late trimester of pregnancy on gonad development and reproduction function of filial female rats


  9. Significance of Color Doppler Sonography Determining Scar Thickness of Lower Uterine Segment Scar during Late Trimester of Pregnancy in Trial of Vaginal Delivery


  10. The correlation between the serum level of sIL-2R of gravida with infected HCMV in late trimester of pregnancy and neonate congenital HCMV infection


  11. Combining the FFN determination with Bishop mark could provide the evidence of reliability for the induced labor by Misoprostol in late trimester of pregnancy clinically .


  12. Effect of modality of parturition and end-results of parturition on late trimester of pregnancy lying-in woman with premature rupture of membranes


  13. Objective : To evaluate the reliability and effectiveness of term pregnancy induced labor by small dosage of Misoprostol using FFN determination and Bishop mark , and to study the indication of induced labor by Misoprostol in late trimester of pregnancy .


  14. Conclusions : The use of Misoprostol was the most safe at the time of FFN positive / Bishop < 7 mark in late trimester of pregnancy , which could be used as the clinical indication of induced labor by Misoprostol in late trimester of pregnancy .
