leap out

美 [liːp aʊt]英 [liːp aʊt]
  • 网络跳出;跳出来
leap outleap out


jump out from a hiding place and surprise (someone)
The attackers leapt out from the bushes
Synonym: rush out sally out burst forth
be highly noticeable
Synonym: jump out jump stand out stick out


  1. Expecting the message to leap out and grab you ?


  2. Yet one day , she decided to leap out the constrictions of her world .


  3. Two things leap out from the list , for different reasons .


  4. The loud noise made me leap out of my skin .


  5. You jump off a bridge . Leap out a window .


  6. The fish leap out of water and landed on the shore


  7. Two numbers leap out .


  8. The strange noise startled us . The loud noise made me leap out of my skin .


  9. And it gave me the impression that it was about to leap out at me .


  10. Every morning the alarm goes off at 6:30 , and I leap out of bed . I 'm up !


  11. Real enthusiasm is when you leap out of bed in the morning and attack your day with gusto .


  12. It would be extremely difficult for the wounded donkey in the well wanting to leap out effortlessly .


  13. Out of his mouth go forth flaming torches ; Sparks of fire leap out .


  14. Women leap out of their seats in hopes of being selected to join the hunks on stage .


  15. Ah , God . What the hell did he do , just leap out in front of the truck ?


  16. When the writings in the Old Testament are read in Hebrew , they leap out as having very different styles .


  17. The Mouse gave a sudden leap out of the water , and seemed to quiver all over with fright .


  18. If you take a glance at advertisements in New York or A-level options in Britain , an answer seems to leap out : Mandarin .


  19. The sudden movement of the door made it sway slightly and it gave me the impression that it was about to leap out at me .


  20. He opened to the section on House Lannister once more , and turned the pages slowly , hoping against hope that something would leap out at him .


  21. But night owls needn 't despair because a previous study found them to be brainier than those who leap out of bed when it is still dark .


  22. Creativity is a good remedy for people to leap out of the hardship , we often talked about whether there should be innovation ever , and now there is no way without creation !


  23. Since reform and opening , Meizhou City has been trying to by large investment , large-scale development , big leap out of the promotion of industrial development in the province as soon as possible to catch up with the pace of development .


  24. The Mouse gave a sudden leap out of the water , and seemed to quiver all over with fright . ' Oh , I beg your pardon ! ' cried Alice hastily , afraid that she had hurt the poor animal 's feelings .


  25. The Mouse gave a sudden leap out of the water , and seemed to quiver all over with fright . ' Oh , I beg your pardon ! ' cried Alice hastily , afraid that she had hurt the poor animal 's feelings . ' I quite forgot you didn 't like cats . '


  26. Have you seen it streamlines torpedo shape ? It helps them to generate and gets enough speed to leap right out of the water .


  27. They can grow to be100 pounds and tend to leap crazily out of the water , bruising and breaking boaters'bones . Also , they threaten local fish species .


  28. These muscular fish can leap several feet out of the water , but no one is quite sure why they do it .


  29. He managed to leap clear of ie out of the burning car .
