Liberality is not giving much but giving wisely .
The most remarkable feature in the whole occasion was the excessive liberality of the archdeacon .
He was a man of extraordinary vigour and liberality of mind .
The liberality of SCRAP , however , proved short-lived .
The Tang Dynasty is a period remarkable for its liberality .
I hope ever to see America among the foremost nations of justice and liberality .
Surely a touch of liberality would do no harm .
Depending on who you are , this liberality can be either good or bad .
Her character is with her grow up but step-by-step liberality .
Many polygamists moved to Mexico because of the relative liberality of Mexican law .
He hoped that would be no insurmountable objection to a man of his liberality of sentiment .
She firmly relied on the liberality of his intentions .
Mr Buffett 's splendid liberality , announced this week in Fortune , is noteworthy for more than its magnitude .
Seated next him was a lady with large healthy shoulders , displayed with splendid liberality ; beyond her a husband , red-cheeked .
The rational man will have the intellectual virtues of wisdom , intelligence and prudence and the character virtues of , for example , liberality and temperance .
A general survey may reveal his thinking on fitness features : the fundamentality of function , the universality of the objectives , the feasibility of operation and the liberality of thinking .
The war has been waged on our part with scrupulous regard to all these obligations , and in a spirit of liberality which was never surpassed .
And he was so very free of the wine that he even called for the other bottle , and handed that about with the same liberality , when the first was gone .
For their fortune seemeth , but due unto them ; and no man envieth the payment of a debt , but rewards and liberality rather .
The network virtuous education breaks the traditional virtues that has the strong infusion education mode , providing the vast space and infinite resourceses for the management and activities of virtuous education with liberality and interaction .
The court 's relative liberality may be explainable in part on the basis that in Duke power , unlike the more restrictive precedents , the necessary causal relationship had been established through evidence in the district court .
The formation of the wind imagery 's liberality , the different of profound national sentiment that accumulated in different wind imagery and the different aesthetic feeling they brought about are the subject which will be talked about in this thesis .
His attentive behaviour to herself and his sisters convinced her that their welfare was dear to him , and , for a long time , she firmly relied on the liberality of his intentions .
Euripides , who , though in a higher sense , must be considered a thoroughly unmusical nature , is for this very reason a passionate adherent of the New Dithyrambic Music , and with the liberality of a robber makes use of all its effective tricks and mannerisms .
But we are not arguing that the artists can abandon self-discipline in their morality and innocence in politics , nor are we defending the demonic and vulgar artists , but , rather , we are trying to draw attention to the transcendence and liberality of aesthetic pursuits .