
美 [ˈlaɪtli]英 [ˈlaɪtli]
  • adv.轻轻地;少许;轻微地;轻柔地;不多;满不在乎地;漫不经心地;不慎重地

最高级: most lightly 比较级: more lightly

light n.光 + -ly ...地




gently; with very little force or effort

He kissed her lightly on the cheek.



to a small degree; not much

It began to snow lightly.


She tended to sleep lightly nowadays (= it was easy to disturb her) .


I try to eat lightly (= not to eat heavy or greasy food) .



in a way that sounds as though you are not particularly worried or interested

‘I'll be all right,’ he said lightly.



without being seriously considered

This is not a problem we should take lightly .



to be punished or treated in a way that is less severe than you deserve or may have expected




  • 2
    N-UNCOUNT 光;光线;光亮
    Light is the brightness that lets you see things. Light comes from sources such as the sun, moon, lamps, and fire.

    Cracks of light filtered through the shutters...


  • 3
    N-COUNT 发光体;光源;(电)灯
    A light is something such as an electric lamp which produces light.

    The janitor comes round to turn the lights out...


  • 4
    N-PLURAL 交通信号灯;红绿灯
    You can use lights to refer to a set of traffic lights.

    ...the heavy city traffic with its endless delays at lights and crossings.


  • 5
    VERB 照亮;照耀
    If a place or object is lit by something, it has light shining on it.

    It was dark and a giant moon lit the road so brightly you could see the landscape clearly...


  • 6
    ADJ-GRADED (清晨或黄昏)天色亮的
    If it is light, the sun is providing light at the beginning or end of the day.

    It was still light when we arrived at Lalong Creek...


  • 7
    ADJ-GRADED (自然)光线充足的
    If a room or building is light, it has a lot of natural light in it, for example because it has large windows.

    It is a light room with tall windows...


  • The dark green spare bedroom is in total contrast to the lightness of the large main bedroom.


  • 9
    V-ERG 点燃;点着
    If you light something such as a cigarette or fire, or if it lights, it starts burning.

    Stephen hunched down to light a cigarette...


  • 10
    N-SING (火柴、打火机等)点火物
    If someone asks you for a light, they want a match or cigarette lighter so they can start smoking.

    Have you got a light anybody?


  • 11
    N-COUNT 角度;(事物呈现的)状态
    If something is presented in a particular light, it is presented so that you think about it in a particular way or so that it appears to be of a particular nature.

    He has worked hard in recent months to portray New York in a better light.


  • 12
    N-SING 影响
    You can refer to the type of influence that something has on situations, people, or things as the light of that situation, person, or thing.

    ...the harsh light of reality.


  • 13
    N-PLURAL 眼光;(个人的)观点,标准
    You say that something is done or is acceptable according to someone's lights when you mean that it is done or is acceptable according to their own ideas and standards.

    They can get on with running the school system according to their own lights and in their own interests.


  • 14
    N-SING 眼神;目光
    If there is a light in someone's eyes, there is an expression in their eyes that shows you the mood they are in or what they are thinking about.

    I remembered the curious expectant light in his eyes.


  • 15
    See also:lighter;lighting;bright lights;night light;pilot light;red light

  • 16
    PHRASE 显露;揭露;为人所知
    If something comes to light or is brought to light, it becomes obvious or is made known to a lot of people.

    Nothing about this sum has come to light...


  • 17
    PHRASE 开始明白
    If light dawns on you, you begin to understand something after a period of not being able to understand it.

    At last the light dawned. He was going to marry Phylis!


  • 18
    PHRASE 黎明;破晓
    First light is the time in the early morning when light first appears and before the sun rises.

    Three hours before first light Fuentes gave orders for the evacuation of the camp.


  • 19
    PHRASE 准许;许可
    If someone in authority gives you a green light, they give you permission to do something.

    The food industry was given a green light to extend the use of these chemicals...


  • 20
    PREP-PHRASE 鉴于;由于;根据
    If something is possible in the light of particular information, it is only possible because you have this information.

    In the light of this information it is now possible to identify a number of key issues.


  • 21
    PHRASE 很快入睡;立即失去知觉
    If someone goes out like a light, they fall asleep or become unconscious very quickly or immediately.

    'Why didn't somebody come and tell me?' — 'Because you were out like a light.'


  • 22
    PHRASE 重见天日
    If you say that an object sees the light of day or sees the light, you mean that it is taken out of the place where it is stored.

    Museum basements are stacked full of objects which never see the light of day.


  • 23
    PHRASE 问世;为公众所知
    If something sees the light of day at a particular time, it comes into existence or is made known to the public at that time.

    This extraordinary document first saw the light of day in 1966.


  • 24
    PHRASE 明白过来;领悟
    If someone sees the light, they finally realize something or change their attitude or way of behaving to a better one.

    I saw the light and ditched him.


  • 25
    PHRASE 点燃;点着
    If you set light to something, you make it start burning.

    They had poured fuel through the door of the flat and had then set light to it.


  • 27
    PHRASE 使(某事)显得非常清楚;使人了解(某事)
    To shed light on ,throw light on, or cast light on something means to make it easier to understand, because more information is known about it.

    A new approach offers an answer, and may shed light on an even bigger question.


  • 28
    PHRASE 隧道尽头的曙光;黑暗尽头的希望
    When you talk about the light at the end of the tunnel, you are referring to the end of the difficult or unpleasant situation that you are in at the moment.

    All I can do is tell her to hold on, that there's light at the end of the tunnel.


  • 29
    all sweetness and light→ see:sweetness


  • 1
    ADJ-GRADED 轻的;不重的
    Something that is light does not weigh very much, or weighs less than you would expect it to.

    Modern tennis rackets are now apparently 20 per cent lighter.


  • The toughness, lightness, strength, and elasticity of whalebone gave it a wide variety of uses.


  • 3
    ADJ-GRADED 少量的;程度轻的;强度低的
    Something that is light is not very great in amount, degree, or intensity.

    It's a Sunday like any other with the usual light traffic in the city...


  • Put the onions in the pan and cook until lightly browned.


  • 5
    ADJ (设备、机器等)轻型的,轻便的
    Light equipment and machines are small and easily moved, especially because they are not heavy.

    ...a convoy of light armoured vehicles...


  • 6
    ADJ-GRADED (土壤)松软的,轻质的
    Soil that is light is easy to dig, because it has a loose texture and is not sticky or solid.

    Less chemical gets into the subsoil which is particularly important with the light, tropical soils.


  • 7
    ADJ-GRADED (颜色)淡的,浅的
    Something that is light is very pale in colour.

    The walls are light in colour and covered in paper...


  • 8
    ADJ-GRADED (睡眠)不深的;(人)容易惊醒的
    A light sleep is one that is easily disturbed and in which you are often aware of the things around you. If you are a light sleeper, you are easily woken when you are asleep.

    She had drifted into a light sleep...


  • He was dozing lightly in his chair.


  • 10
    ADJ-GRADED (声音、嗓音等)轻柔的
    A light sound, for example someone's voice, is pleasantly quiet.

    The voice was sweet and light.


  • 11
    ADJ-GRADED (餐食)少量的,易消化的
    A light meal consists of a small amount of food, or of food that is easy to digest.

    ...a light, healthy lunch.


  • She found it impossible to eat lightly.


  • 13
    ADJ-GRADED (食物)清淡的,易消化的
    Food that is light has a delicate flavour and is easy to digest.

    Berti's clear tomato soup is deliciously light...


  • 14
    ADJ-GRADED 不费力的;轻松的
    Light work does not involve much physical effort.

    He was on the training field for some light work yesterday.


  • 15
    ADJ-GRADED (行为后果、处罚等)轻微的,不严重的
    If you describe the result of an action or a punishment as light, you mean that it is less serious or severe than you expected.

    She confessed her astonishment at her light sentence when her father visited her at the jail.


  • One of the accused got off lightly in exchange for pleading guilty to withholding information from Congress.


  • 17
    ADJ-GRADED 轻捷的;轻盈的;用力小的
    Movements and actions that are light are graceful or gentle and are done with very little force or effort.

    Use a light touch when applying cream or make-up...


  • He kissed her lightly on the mouth...


  • She danced with a grace and lightness that were breathtaking.


  • 20
    See also:lighter


  • 1
    ADJ-GRADED (书、音乐、电影等)消遣性的,娱乐性的,轻松的
    If you describe things such as books, music, and films as light, you mean that they entertain you without making you think very deeply.

    He doesn't like me reading light novels.


  • 2
    ADJ-GRADED (说话方式)随意的,不严肃的
    If you say something in a light way, you sound as if you think that something is not important or serious.

    Talk to him in a friendly, light way about the relationship...


  • 'Once a detective, always a detective,' he said lightly.


  • 'I'm not an authority on them,' Jessica said with forced lightness.


  • 5
    ADJ-GRADED (通常用于否定句)轻微的,不重要的
    If you say that something is not a light matter, you mean that it should be treated or considered as being important and serious.

    It can be no light matter for the Home Office that so many young prisoners should have wanted to kill or injure themselves.


  • His allegations cannot be lightly dismissed.


  • 7
    PHRASE 轻视;对…不在乎;视…为微不足道
    If you make light of something, you treat it as though it is not serious or important, when in fact it is.

    Roberts attempted to make light of his discomfort.


  • 8
    See also:lighter


with indifference or without dejection
he took it lightly
indulging with temperance
we eat lightly in the morning
to a slight degree
her speech is only lightly accented
with little weight or force
she kissed him lightly on the forehead
Synonym: softly gently
with few burdens
experienced travellers travel light
Synonym: light
in a small quantity or extent
spread the margarine thinly over the meat
apply paint lightly
Synonym: thinly
without good reason
one cannot say such things lightly


  1. I never found out because her hands were working lightly across my buttocks towards my perineum .


  2. I lightly trailed my hand over the perfect muscles of his arm , followed the faint pattern of bluish veins inside the crease at his elbow .


  3. This is not a problem we should take lightly .


  4. They let us off lightly .


  5. These threats are not to be taken lightly .


  6. She tended to sleep lightly nowadays .


  7. It began to snow lightly .


  8. I touched him lightly on the arm .


  9. She cuffed him lightly around his head .


  10. Lightly spritz your hair with water .


  11. Roll the dough on a lightly floured surface .


  12. He kissed her lightly on the cheek .


  13. If they take this game lightly they could end up with egg on their faces .


  14. Most plants prefer to be lightly shaded from direct , hot sunlight


  15. Despite his bulk he moved lightly on his feet .


  16. He would dive under one obstacle , round another , and lightly step over a third .


  17. Rake the soil , press the seed into it , then cover it lightly


  18. Lightly score the surface of the steaks with a knife .


  19. Break the eggs into a shallow bowl and beat them lightly .


  20. The Hurricane Center warns people not to take the threat of tropical storms lightly


  21. Line the base of the dish with greaseproof paper and lightly grease the sides .


  22. He took a handkerchief from his pocket and lightly wiped his mouth


  23. Lightly dust the fish with flour


  24. Toast the bread lightly on both sides .


  25. ' Stop it , ' he said , and nudged the boy lightly with his knee .


  26. He leaned down and kissed her lightly on the mouth


  27. Lightly flour a rolling pin


  28. Lightly knead the mixture on a floured surface .


  29. She kissed him lightly on both cheeks .


  30. Bake the biscuits for 20-25 minutes , until the tops are lightly browned .



lightning n. 闪电

light n.光 + -n- + -ing 名词后缀

lighten v. 减轻

light n.光 + -en 动词后缀


actually adv. 事实上

actual adj.实际存在的 + -ly ...地

angrily adv. 生气地

angr(y) 生气的 + -ly ...地

beautifully adv. 美丽地

beautiful adj.美的 + -ly ...地

carefully adv. 小心

careful adj.小心的 + -ly ...地

certainly adv. 当然

certain adj.有把握的 + -ly ...地

clearly adv. 清晰地

clear adj.清晰的 + -ly ...地

completely adv. 彻底地

complete adj.齐全的 + -ly ...地

correctly adv. 正确地

correct adj.正确的 + -ly ...地

directly adv. 直接地

direct adj.直达的 + -ly ...地

easily adv. 容易地

easy adj.容易的 + -ly ...地

especially adv. 尤其地

especial adj.特别的 + -ly ...地

exactly adv. 确切地

exact adj.确切的 + -ly ...地

finally adv. (用于列举)最后

final adj.最后的 + -ly ...地

gently adv. 轻轻地

gentle adj.温和的 + -ly ...地

happily adv. 快乐地

happ(y) 快乐的;高兴的 + -i- + -ly ...地

hardly adv. 几乎不

hard adj.坚实的 + -ly ...地

heavily adv. 沉重地

heavy adj.沉重 + -ly ...地

immediately adv. 立即

immediate adj.立即的 + -ly ...地

lonely adj. 孤独的

lone adj.孤独无伴的 + -ly ...地

loudly adv. 大声地

loud adj.喧闹的 + -ly ...地

luckily adv. 幸运的是

lucky adj.有好运的 + -ly ...地

mainly adv. 主要地

main adj.主要的 + -ly ...地

nearly adv. 几乎

near adv.近 + -ly ...地

politely adv. 有礼貌地

polite adj.有礼貌的 + -ly ...地

possibly adv. 可能地

possible adj.办得到的 + -ly ...地

probably adv. 可能

probab(le) 很可能的 + -ly ...地

properly adv. 正确地

proper adj.真正的 + -ly ...地

quickly adv. 迅速地

quick adj.快的 + -ly ...地

quietly adv. 安静地

quiet adj.安静的 + -ly ...地

rarely adv. 很少地

rare adj.稀有的 + -ly ...地

really adv. 真正地, 确实地

real adj.真实的 + -ly ...地

recently adv. 不久前

recent adj.最近的 + -ly ...地

sadly adv. 悲哀地

sad adj.悲伤的 + -ly ...地

seriously adv. 认真地

serious adj.严肃的 + -ly ...地

slowly adv. 慢速地

slow adj.低速的 + -ly ...地

softly adv. 轻轻地

soft adj.易弯曲的 + -ly ...地

suddenly adv. 突然

sudden 突然的 + -ly ...地

usually adv. 通常

usual 平常的 + -ly ...地

widely adv. 普遍地

wide adj.宽的 + -ly ...地

deeply adv. 深深地

deep adj.深的 + -ly ...地

deliberately adv. 故意

deliberate adj.有意的 + -ly ...地

eventually adv. 最后

eventual adj.最终的 + -ly ...地

firmly adv. 坚决地

firm 强 + -ly ...地

gradually adv. 逐步地

gradual adj.缓慢的 + -ly ...地

lately adv. 最近

late adj.晚的 + -ly ...地

mentally adv. 精神上

mental adj.精神的 + -ly ...地

merely adv. 仅仅

mere adj.只不过 + -ly ...地

multiply v.

multiple adj.多个的 + -ly ...地

partly adv. 一定程度上

part 部分,分开 + -ly ...地

personally adv. 个人

personal adj.个人的 + -ly ...地

publicly adv. 公开

public adj.公众的 + -ly ...地

sincerely adv. 真诚地

sincere adj.诚挚的 + -ly ...地

totally adv. 完全地

total adj.总的 + -ly ...地

truly adv. 真正地

tru(e) 真实的 + -ly ...地

willingly adv. 乐意地

willing adj.愿意的 + -ly ...地

absolutely adv. (强调真实无误)绝对地,完全地

absolute adj.完全的 + -ly ...地

accordingly adv. 照着

according adv.据…所述 + -ly ...地

approximately adv. 大概

approximate adj.近似的 + -ly ...地

awfully adv. 非常

awful adj.糟糕的 + -ly ...地

badly adv. 非常

bad adj.糟糕的 + -ly ...地

closely adv. 紧密地;接近地;仔细地;严密地;精密地

close adj.近的 + -ly ...地

commonly adv. 通常地

common adj.一般的 + -ly ...地

consequently adv. 因此

con- 共同, 一起 + sequ 跟随 + -ent ...的 + -ly ...地

conversely adv. 相反地

con- 共同, 一起 + vers 转 + -e + -ly ...地

definitely adv. 肯定

defin(e) 使明确 + -ite... 的 + -ly ...地

exceedingly adv. 非常

exceeding adj.非常的 + -ly ...地

exclusively adv. 唯一地

exclusive adj.排除其他一切的 + -ly ...地

extremely adv. 极其

extreme adj.极大的 + -ly ...地

fairly adv. 相当地

fair adj.公正的 + -ly ...地

fortunately adv. 幸运地

fortun(e) 运气 + -ate 具有...的 + -ly ...地

freely adv. 自由地

free adj.不受他人控制的 + -ly ...地

frequently adv. 频繁地

frequent adj.频繁的 + -ly ...地

generally adv. 通常地

general adj.全体的 + -ly ...地

greatly adv. 非常

great adj.超乎寻常的 + -ly ...地

highly adv.

high adj.高的 + -ly ...地

increasingly adv. 越来越多地

increas(e) 增加 + -ing 形容词后缀 + -ly ...地

instantly adv. 立刻

instant adj.立刻的 + -ly ...地

largely adv. 主要地

large adj.大的 + -ly ...地

mostly adv. 主要地

most det.&pro.最大的 + -ly ...地

namely adv.

name n.名字 + -ly ...地

naturally adv. 顺理成章地

natural adj.大自然的 + -ly ...地

necessarily adv. 必要地

necessar(y) 必要的 + -ly ...地

newly adv. 最近

new adj.新的 + -ly ...地

normally adv. 正常地

normal adj.正常的 + -ly ...地

obviously adv. 明显地

obvious 明显的 + -ly ...地

occasionally adv. 偶尔地

occasional adj.不经常的 + -ly ...地

orderly adj. 有秩序的

order n.次序 + -ly ...地

practically adv. 几乎

practical adj.实践的 + -ly ...地

presently adv. 目前

present adj.在场的 + -ly ...地

previously adv. 先前

previous adj.以前的 + -ly ...地

primarily adv. 主要地

primary adj.首要的 + -ly ...地

purely adv. 仅仅

pure adj.纯粹的 + -ly ...地

rapidly adv. 迅速地

rapid adj.快的 + -ly ...地

readily adv. 便利地

read(y) 预备好了的状态 + -ly ...地

regularly adv. 有规律地

regular adj.恒定的 + -ly ...地

relatively adv. 相当程度上

relative adj.相关的 + -ly ...地

repeatedly adv. 反复地

repeated vt.重复 + -ly ...地

respectively adv. 分别地

respective adj.各自的 + -ly ...地

roughly adv. 粗略地

rough adj.不平滑的 + -ly ...地

scarcely adv. 勉强

scarce adj.缺乏的 + -ly ...地

secondly adv. 其次

second num.第二 + -ly ...地

separately adv. 分别地

separate adj.分离的 + -ly ...地

severely adv. 严重地

severe adj.非常的 + -ly ...地

sharply adv. 尖刻地

sharp adj.锋利的 + -ly ...地

shortly adv. 不多时

short adj.短的 + -ly ...地

similarly adv. 相似地

similar adj.相似的 + -ly ...地

simply adv. (强调简单)仅仅,只,不过

simple adj.简明的 + -ly ...地

slightly adv. 轻微地

slight adj.少量的 + -ly ...地

smoothly adv. 平稳地

smooth adj.光滑的 + -ly ...地

solely adv. 唯一地

sole n.脚底 + -ly ...地

steadily adv. 稳定地

steady adj.稳固的 + -ly ...地

strictly adv. 严格地

strict adj.严格的 + -ly ...地

strongly adv. 强烈地

strong adj.强劲的 + -ly ...地

successfully adv. 成功地

successful adj.成功的 + -ly ...地

surely adv. (对自己的话很有把握,希望他人同意)想必

sure adj.确信的 + -ly ...地

surprisingly adv. 惊人地

surprising adj.出人意料的 + -ly ...地

unlikely adj. 不大可能发生的

un- 否定 + like 像 + -ly ...地

virtually adv. 实际上

virtual 实质的 + -ly ...地

wholly adv. 完全地

whol(e) 整体 + -ly ...地

elderly adj. 老年人

elder adj.年龄较大的 + -ly ...地

barely adv. 仅仅

bare 缺少的 + -ly ...地

invariably adv. 一成不变

in- 不,无 + variabl(e) 可变的 + -ly ...地

incidentally adv. (引出新话题、附加信息、或临时想到的问题)顺便提一句

incident n.事件 + -al ...的 + -ly ...地

literally adv. 按字面

literal adj.按字面常用意义理解的 + -ly ...地

seemingly adv. 看似

seeming adj.表面上的 + -ly ...地

  • 习语


get off/be let off lightly

to be punished or treated in a way that is less severe than you deserve or may have expected