- n.莱戈

The progress of LIGO project in United States is going well .
Then we analyzed the main source of noise in LIGO .
We have finished the first complete analysis of the LIGO S3 data set .
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How are they produced and how are LIGO and other instruments preparing to detect them ?
The screen saver will automatically download a tiny portion of the enormous data set that LIGO will collect .
In contrast , LIGO 's historic first detection on Sept. 14 , 2015 resulted from a merger of two black holes 36 and 29 times the mass of the sun .
LIGO and the other ground-based detectors are sensitive to frequencies from a few tens of Hertz ( cycles per second ) to a few thousand Hertz .
Astronomers confirmed a key part of Einstein 's general theory of relativity in 2016 when they announced that the LIGO array had detected gravitational waves released by the collision of two black holes .
The scientists detected the gravitational waves using the twin Laser Interferometer Gravitational-wave Observatory ( LIGO ) interferometers , located in Livingston , Louisiana , and Hanford , Washington .
Scientists believe that some pulsars may not be perfectly spherical , and if so , they should emit characteristic gravitational waves , which LIGO and GEO600 will begin to detect in coming months .
Luo Jun , president of Sun Yat-sen University and the initiator of Tianqin , said the project has allied with several domestic universities and institutes , and has also begun cooperating with international researchers , including core members of LIGO .
It 's pretty rare in known neutron stars-basically they need to be hit by something and knocked off-axis , which doesn 't happen often in space , and they 're precessing at frequencies too low for ligo .
Collisions of neutron stars are believed to be the source of all heavy metals in the universe , including gold and silver , and the detection by LIGO helps verify accepted explanations of how the chemistry of the universe formed .
Two of the several gravitational-wave detectors currently built - the American LIGO , with two observatories in Louisiana and Washington , and the European VIRGO in Italy - have just been upgraded to boost their sensitivity , and both will start searching in 2015 .