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  • n.利泰拉
  1. Based on relevant litera - ture , the interviewer designs the questions of oral history for the interview .


  2. Analysis and comparison of the characteristics of recent citations in seismological litera - tures of china , America and Japan


  3. The importance is firstly expounded for writing the high-quality English abstract of scientific and technical litera - tures from different angles .


  4. The half life of the Chinese litera - tures is averaged at 4.97 years while that of the foreign ones at 10.6 years .


  5. Cao yu 's Thunderstorm is a classical tragedy which has been concerned by the researchers of modern Litera - ture .


  6. This article is a chapter excerpted from the author 's book on Psychological Aspects of Litera - ture writing which discusses the author 's psychological experience in literature writing .


  7. The existence of these hymns not only contributes to the hymns of world ( litera ) ture , but also provides some means of use for reference to new poems of China .


  8. Based on the fruits from litera - ture reading and topic group , the article introduces products , characteristics , modification and use experience of re - cycled concrete and also discusses the problems to be solved for its develop - ing prospect in China .


  9. Literature interpretation is a hot point of modern theories of literature . The traditional theories of litera - ture pay too much attention to the objectivity of literature interpretation , while modern ones mostly flaunt the ban - ner of the subjectivity .


  10. Secondly , according to the characteristics of the railway , paper analyzed the transport organizations of the line model , the use of Systematically after reading the large number of litera multiple unit ture . And to study the relationship between the suburban railway and state-owned railway .


  11. By comprehensive study of the obtained literatures which has been published , some conclusions which are all agreed in the litera - ture about the perforation of multi-layered targets are summed up and two kinds of analytical methods applied to this subject are given in this paper .


  12. The effects of fly ash , blast furnace slag and silica fume on workability , durability and strength of concrete are ana ˉ lyzed , and the present status of utilization of these mineral powders in high performance concrete is reviewed based on litera ˉ tures .


  13. A pity the Romans never had a chance to hear it , for otherwise the Latin poet Persius would not have been the only one to say that " r " was a nasal in the dog 's alphabet ( sonat hic de nare canina litera ) .
