
美 [lɑːk ʌps]英 [lɒk ʌps]
  • n.(短期关押犯人的)监狱;(不和其他建筑物相连供出租的)车库;拘留所;(店主不住在内的)小商店
  • lock-up的复数
  1. Private equity has the advantage of roughly 10-year lock-ups .


  2. However , unexpected reboots and system lock-ups can result in significant corruption of recently-modified data .


  3. Some funds have rolling lock-ups of investor capital of as much as two years or more , but still collect incentive fees annually .


  4. The other Western banks typically face lock-ups that expire in 2008-2010 , although these may be circumventable with a little imagination .


  5. It 's useful for recovering from server lock-ups , BSODs , virus infections , and unexpected power outages .


  6. In extreme cases , this type of attack can cause hangs , lock-ups , reboots , blue screens , and other mischief .


  7. But even if the price is right when lock-ups expire , foreign chief executives with an eye on the longer haul may opt to sit tight .


  8. He says that , unlike several peers , the company resisted the temptation to impose so called gates or lock-ups preventing investors from pulling money out .


  9. The expiry of post-IPO lock-ups has meant that the proportion of technically tradable shares has risen to more than 50 per cent .


  10. They wanted to isolate those lock-ups so that-at worst-they would only affect an individual user , and not be able to impact the health of the overall system in any way .


  11. The expiry of lock-ups means that the tradable market capitalisation of A-shares was 82 per cent of the total in August , up from 30 per cent just three years before .


  12. Other reforms also look good on paper , such as a stricter separation of institutional and retail channels to strip out speculative bids , and a loosening of lock-ups for certain tranches .
