logic language

美 [ˈlɑːdʒɪk ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ]英 [ˈlɒdʒɪk ˈlæŋɡwɪdʒ]
  • 网络逻辑语言
logic languagelogic language
  1. A function / logic language implementation technique with reduction semantics


  2. Application of Logic Language on Ladder Diagram in Auto control System of Port


  3. Description and Refinement of Distributed Real-time Software Architecture Based on Temporal Logic Language


  4. The method can be applied to integrate both the functional language and the logic language .


  5. An extended dynamic description logic language and its Tableau algorithm


  6. A temporal logic language oriented toward software engineering


  7. α _ - Decision Logic Language for Granular Computing


  8. The efficient implementation of logic language


  9. Firstly , a formal model of TPM is built using first-order logic language .


  10. Commonsense knowledge representation in the object-oriented logic language


  11. It describes the CA attestation system architecture in the temporal logic language XYZ / E.


  12. Therefore , we use the definition of the timing and modal logic language to prove and reason protocol properties .


  13. We introduced a method to detect feature interaction in requirements , which is based on the temporal logic language XYZ / E.


  14. Insisting producing the prototype of the logic language in English in which the logic flow chart is brought into being ;


  15. Research of Software Architecture Based on the Temporal Logic Language XYZ / E ( I ) & Description of Components and Connectors


  16. The method adopts the formalized logic language to describe network system parameters , uses the Prolog logic reasoning engine to construct LEG .


  17. Descriptions of granular pyramid , formal concepts and decision rule are also discussed to illustrate the usefulness of α _ - decision logic language .


  18. The α _ - decision logic language , described by model and satisfiability in the Tarski 's style , is proposed for granular computing .


  19. Seeing from the interior cause , the . irrational itself as a complex mentality phenomenon is difficult to state by scientific method and the way of logic language .


  20. In order to deal with the generalized information well , it must build ontology knowledge base which is supported by description logic language under the environment of the semantic web .


  21. According to cognitive science , cognition is logical operation of knowledge while thinking is computation . Any computerized analysis of natural language mainly depends on the expression of the logic language .


  22. On the other hand , we use the linear temporal logic language LTL to define the software safety security attributes to make the description more intuitionistic and compatible .


  23. The semantic validity and entailment problem of XML documents are further provided and they are reduced to the knowledge base unsatisfiability problem in description logic language ΣΗΟΙΝ(?) .


  24. It consists of a TLL ( temporal logic language ) XYZ / E to serve as its kernel and a suite of software engineering tools .


  25. Because UML lacks of precise semantics , a method is proposed to express the formal semantics of the class diagrams based on the temporal logic language XYZ / E.


  26. This paper introduces the temporal logic language XYZ / E , and then describes the gasbumer control problem in XYZ / RBE and XYZ diagram .


  27. This paper introduces basic contents and current developments of the CA attestation system inland and abroad , and elaborates the software architecture description method based on the temporal logic language XYZ / E.


  28. The article gives general transforming method from functional language to logic language . Based on the method , we designed and realized an automatic transforming system trom functional language SFL to PROLOG .


  29. XYZ / E is the first executable temporal logic language , which can represent both of the static and dynamic aspects of program . It can describe architecture in different abstract levels .


  30. This paper describes the meta interpretation of the typed object oriented logic language LKO , with emphasis on the inheritance algorithms for object state , constraint and method , and the unification algorithms for clause interpretation , type inference and type checking .
