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  • n.
  1. Why ancient Chinese people wanted to create a loong ?


  2. Chinese people are proud to call themselves " the offspring of the Loong " .


  3. It is said that dragon boat could protect against evil since Loong is very powerful .


  4. Internet finance is about providing efficient alternatives , rather than identifying new needs , says Mr Loong .


  5. Every Saturday Loong Bar transforms into a sultry Latin club .


  6. So , some Chinese experts have suggested changing the English translation of dragon to " Loong " .


  7. An old man told them that they could find water at the bottom of the Golden Loong an Pond .


  8. Paul Loong , a young Malaysian , was fighting with the British .


  9. The Prime Minister of the Republic of Singapore , Mr Lee Hsien Loong


  10. Loong is the merger of totem culture .


  11. Those people who must eat meat at least once a day , or feel sick & try to drink some Wu Loong Tea .


  12. He established a general store trading under the name of Sun Mow Loong where he offered treatment for many diseases and ailments .


  13. The POWs did hard labor from dawn to dusk and were beaten daily , according to Loong .


  14. In a televised address , his son Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong paid tribute to him .


  15. Still , risk assessment remains rigorous to ensure healthy growth : The platform will get destroyed if individual lenders are blowing up , says Mr Loong .


  16. Meanwhile , Loong is a mascot .


  17. 2004-Lee Hsien Loong is sworn in as Singapore's3rd Prime Minister .


  18. Among the unearthed cultural relics which have the history of more than five thousands years are there Jade pig loong and Jade loong .


  19. One advantage of this group , says Mr Loong , is that the students have a lot of data online ; a maximum 12-month term also ensured that repayment became due before graduation .


  20. The paper starts with the current situation of the loong dance and the lion dance in Chinese colleges and universities , followed by a specific analysis of the sports in such schools of Jiangsu .


  21. Singapores Deputy Prime Minister and economic czar Lee Hsien Loong also used the downturn to liberalize the financial sector and , in particular , push through sweeping banking reforms .


  22. Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong said earlier this month that the relationship is the " most consequential " one in the world today and that both sides must learn to trust each other .


  23. With the help of veterans ' benefits , Loong attended medical school and then worked as a physician at the Department of Veterans Affairs in New Jersey , where he raised his family .


  24. Lee Hsien Loong , 63 , has run the country since being elected prime minister in 2004 , after occupying a series of top jobs including finance minister and head of the central bank .


  25. An avid user of social media such as Twitter and Facebook , Lee Hsien Loong has a consultative style that frequently sees him engaging the public in an attempt at dialogue .


  26. On behalf of the Association of Southeast Asian Nations , Singapore Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong , expresses ASEAN 's support of the UN envoy 's peace mission to Myanmar .


  27. The light that has guided us all these years has been extinguished , his son , and current prime minister Lee Hsien Loong , told a packed auditorium at the National University of Singapore .


  28. Even Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong acknowledged the issue in his National Day speech last year , stating that one unhappiness is the feeling that maybe foreign students have taken the place of locals in the universities .


  29. At the 2008 National Day , for instance , Prime Minister Lee Hsien Loong spent more than 5,000 words discussing Singapore 's falling birthrate . The speech included advice on how to change diapers .


  30. In a joint statement , the two former prime ministers said they wanted to provide a fresh clean slate for Lee Hsien Loong , the current prime minister , who has promised to respond positively to voters ' concerns .
