lower status

lower statuslower status
  1. Decline to a lower status or level .


  2. People of a lower status use credit extensively to buy today and pay tomorrow .


  3. China 's new graduates have traditionally shied away from working in factories , seeing this as a sign of lower status .


  4. He has shown that stress can be hard to avoid , or deal with , especially for those with lower status in an organisation .


  5. Conclusion The lower status of general well-being of out-patients with panic disorder was related with their own personality trait and health evaluation .


  6. Inequality between sexes is the character of traditional husband and wife relationship in America while Chinese women have lower status in traditional husband and wife relationship .


  7. Political ideology is so powerful that it monopolizes field of ideology and shields the existence of legal ideology which was lead to a lower status .


  8. Consistent with the original knowledge gap hypothesis , bloggers with higher socioeconomic status tend to produce more political knowledge and have more social power than lower status segments .


  9. But , the poor live and the lower status portrayed him an open and aboveboard noble character and the forthright and sincere personality .


  10. Hypogamy , in which a woman of higher status is given to a man of lower status in marriage , is more frequent due to its obvious social significance .


  11. In family hierarchy and " men 's superiority to women " society , women were regarded as attachment of men and family , and they were in lower status in family .


  12. For example , women have lower status in families , communities and society : They have less access to and control over resources and they have less of a say in decision-making than men .


  13. This essay makes a statement that the lower status of women is the deepest cause resulting in the son preference and consequently resulting in the maladjustment of sex ratio at birth .


  14. The research purpose of the paper is that not only provides a workflow management system which suits OA , but more important is that presents a flexible platform which keeps coupling degree of application and workflow system in lower status .


  15. That is , although some women are still elbow-guided through doors , chauffeured in cars , and protected from rain puddles , they are not shielded from one fundamental consequence of their lower status .


  16. However , in the Zhou times the women had a lower status in the family and were excluded from the political circle , as was so called Pin Ji Wu Chen ( No hen crowing at dawn ) .


  17. The traditional thought of regarding man as superior to woman is an inherent origin with out-of-balance sex ratio of birth . And woman 's lower status in family is its external origin . That women 's quality is lower is its external manifestation .


  18. The sex ratio in India , according to a recent survey , is 960 females to 1000 males , and the Fund says it sees this imbalance as being due to the lower status of women in Indian society , to a preference for sons and the practices of female foeticide and infanticide .


  19. We talk because not talking will lower our status in the group .


  20. So the lower the status of the job


  21. Effect of Zinc and Calcium on the Growth of Children at Lower Zinc Status


  22. To lower the status or salary of .


  23. The trait of condescending to those of lower social status .


  24. It reflects the lower social status of female and the personal drawbacks of male .


  25. Despite some biological advantages , women 's health suffers from their lower socio-economic status


  26. Favorite subjects attached themselves to monarchs because of their lower social status .


  27. In most societies , women have lower social status than men , producing unequal power relations .


  28. Conclusion Game physical education can improve pupils ' mental health , especially among the pupils with lower psychological status .


  29. Poverty is important , but the report also found a direct link between discrimination against women and lower health status .


  30. She made no attempt to conceal her contempt for anyone who was of lower social status .
