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  1. Enquiries and orders of bearing lathe machining rings and LYC bearings are warmly welcomed .


  2. Lyc itself has no CD spectra .


  3. Study of hLF , Lyc Gene Transformated into Mini-tomato


  4. I was studying French and giving English lessons three times a week in a lyc é e in a southern suburb famous principally for its prison .


  5. In Austria and Bavaria many of the government lyc é es or gymnasia are entrusted to the care of the monks .


  6. Transformation of anti lyc b in carrot to tobacco varieties SRI and Xanthi was done by infecting leaf plates with Agrobacterium tumefaciens carrying expression vector of the gene .


  7. At the same time the Acting Harbin bearings plant ( HRB ), Wafangdian bearings plant ( ZWZ ), Luoyang bearings plant ( LYC ), three brand manufacturers products .


  8. Born and raised in Addis Ababa , Ethiopia , Liya Kebede graduated from the French Lyc é e in Addis .


  9. That the young Albert went to the French lyc é e , and then to university in Algiers , was thanks to two inspiring teachers with whom he kept in touch throughout his life ;


  10. Rats in control group and ALI group were intragastric administrated with olive oil but in ALI + Lyc group with lycopene , diluted to 1mg / mL by olive oil , 5ml / kg once a day until the seventh day .


  11. That was because , in 1978-79 , he had been made to paint quite different pictures . In those months he was interned in S-21 prison , a former French lyc é e in Phnom Penh which had been converted into a torture-compound for alleged enemies of the Khmer Rouge regime .
