managing directors
- n.总经理;总裁; 常务董事
- managing director的复数

Would-be managing directors should have to present their plans in much more detail than was the case this time .
We welcome the directions set forth in the Managing Directors Global Policy Agenda .
IMF rules say first time managing directors must be under 65 .
Raffael : You 're confusing managers with managing directors .
A fifth are now chief executives , managing directors or board members three years after graduation .
Goldman probably has one of the most partner-like pay structures for its managing directors .
All other managing directors and managers will be nominated and agreed upon by both parties .
Managing directors and managers will be nominated and agreed upon by both parties through consultations .
Instructors are mostly the experienced associates , vice presidents and managing directors of product and business areas within the firm .
Generally , performance shares and stock options are applicable to more senior employees , such as vice presidents and managing directors .
But he runs the joint venture as acting chief executive , backed by four managing directors brought in from Groupon international .
The casualties will include a large slice of highly paid senior bankers from the ranks of managing directors and executive directors .
Becoming a Goldman " partner " one of its 400 senior managing directors had become the most reliable route to great wealth on Wall Street .
Credit Suisse told its 400 managing directors in the UK yesterday that they would get a 30 per cent lower bonus than originally planned .
The non-executive directors unanimously give their complete support to the current executives of the Committee of Managing Directors (" CMD ") .
Mr Ouyang , a former Tencent executive , runs the company together with four other managing directors hired by Mr samwer .
He said he had seen five managing directors refer to their own clients as Muppets in an environment that prioritised extracting the maximum profit from them .
Goldman is assigning four managing directors to India and China , to be based in Hong Kong , Singapore and Mumbai , as part of its expansion in the sector .
In the absence of such a designation , the managing directors or the directors shall elect from among themselves an acting chairman of the board of directors .
According to insiders and rivals , market salary rates for managing directors have jumped from about $ 250,000 only a few months ago , to closer to $ 400,000 .
I mean , I brought in a New Zealander and an El Salvadoran as Managing Directors , neither of whom I knew before I came here .
Gorman said Morgan Stanley ( MS ) has lost only two managing directors " that he regretted , " out of 1800 , since paying out bonuses .
By returning to the system of locking up all ( or 90 per cent ) of its managing directors ' bonuses until they retire , it would make them even more careful .
If he was in a celebrity boxing match , that 'd be better , especially if they 'd have one of their managing directors jump in the ring with him . '
Mid-ranking managing directors are expected to be the biggest victims , with some likely to see year-end compensation slashed by up to 50 per cent , according to Armstrong .
The eligible Credit Suisse managing directors and executives were paid one-fifth to one-half of the bonuses they received in early 2005 in performance incentive plan awards rather than in cash .
The move is also part of an effort to bring greater accountability to senior managing directors under the Temasek umbrella , making it clear who is responsible for which investments , the people add .
And Goldman 's managing directors include Gerald Corrigan , a former head of the Federal Reserve Bank of New York , who is regarded as the pre-eminent expert on financial plumbing .
Last week Pacific Investment Management Co said Zhu Changhong , one of its managing directors in charge of hedge funds , was leaving the us to return to China and join safe as head of its reserve management department .
Current and former IMF officials insist that , in practical terms , the organisation largely runs itself , while the protocol for the deputy managing directors to take over the helm temporarily is long-established .