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  • 网络马克;市场;马克王
  1. Marke Twin is an English writer .


  2. The research of stock price manipulation through Information in Chinese Stock Marke .


  3. Enhance market supervision and promote healthy development of financial derivatives marke


  4. Survey Design of Market Segmentation Factors & A Case of TV Play Marke


  5. An analysis on competition formation of medical marke


  6. Theoretical research of information structure and asset price equilibrium in order-driven marke .


  7. Inter - area total transfer capability calculation using sequential quadratic programming method in power marke


  8. Like all firms , insurance companies are in business to marke a profit .


  9. There are mainly four problems in Chinese stock marke t : higher stock price embodies higher risk ;


  10. Parody in Chinese News Headlines : Its Marke Features and Rhetorical Functions


  11. The Several Stipulations of Generation Scheduling in Electricity Marke


  12. On the Interruption of China ′ s Economical Marke Progress since the Foundation of the People 's Republic of China


  13. The development of company bond marke is weaker than that of stock market and that of government bond market in China .


  14. The separation and decontamination technology of high purity chloroben should marke further improvements .


  15. In this stage , the enterprise should focus on the countermeasure of ecognizing target marke .


  16. Marke r - aided selection ;


  17. This paper , with CAR methods studies whether new rules and regulations on the listed companies ' information revealing transmit effective information to the marke .


  18. Dual-infection of marke 's disease virus and reticuloendotheliosis virus from tumors in chickens


  19. In1982 , China proposed the guidelines of Planned Economy Supplemented by Market Regulation , when marke economy entered the life of the Chinese .


  20. The political capital and the social network with cadres still have impact on self-employment behavior to some degree , but this impact is weakening with the perfecting of marke economy system .


  21. Basis of respecting the laws of the marke , China should improve the price formation of the new grain market mechanism , and prevent excessive volatility in food prices through various means of macroeconomic Control means .


  22. Wth the development of Guizhou rural commercial econmy , establishing and perfecting socialized service system of rural commodities production and circulation have a great practical significance in providing market information , guiding farmers into market , taking part in marke competition etc.


  23. Of course , if the author could carry out broad and deep field surveys and case studies on the wealth effect in stock marke and the relation between stock market , consumption conducts and consumption manners , the conclusions would be more powerful .


  24. ★ Today that competition of marke become vigorous gradually , Along with the replaceable production bring continuously , traditional postal service business is heading for to atrophy gradually , and already affect seriously the living and development of postal service business enterprise .


  25. A detection kit for serotype I marke 's disease viruses ( MDV 1 ) based on dot_blot hybridization with nonradioactive digoxigenin_labeled MDV 1_specific DNA fragment was prepared and its procedures were optimized .


  26. Using historical data , the author makes an estimates of the Bass model parameters , establishes the Bass diffusion model , the Bass model of diffusion of e-book marke . The empirical analysis showed that Bass model can be used to describe the diffusion process of e-book market .
