mass spectrograph

  • 质谱仪
mass spectrographmass spectrograph


a mass spectrometer that produces a graphical representation of the mass spectrum


  1. An Industrial Mass Spectrograph and Its Application to Chemical Fertilizer Industry


  2. Trouble Diagnoses and Maintenance of Vacuum System in Mass Spectrograph


  3. Research and Development of Measure and Control Vacuum System for Mass Spectrograph


  4. The application of mass spectrograph to the amylose structure analysis was reviewed .


  5. Review on noble gas isotope mass spectrograph and its application in geochemistry


  6. Application of a Mass Spectrograph to Dynamic Measuring of Exhaust Gas from I.C.Engines


  7. Study on Determination of Polyunsaturated Fatty Acids in Functional Food by Gas Chromatography Mass Spectrograph


  8. The Improve on the Vacuum System of Quattro Mass Spectrograph and Its Specifications Test


  9. In the mass spectrograph the ions are focused onto a photographic plate .


  10. A new dynamic measuring method of exhaust gas from internal combustion engines by using a mass spectrograph is reported .


  11. The product was purified and characterized by gas chromatography , mass spectrograph and infrared spectroscopy .


  12. Auxiliary signal generator ( AC ) is a part of many control circuit of ion trap mass spectrograph .


  13. This paper describes the principle , calculation method , technical index , requirements for operational environment , daily maintenance and troubleshooting methods of ZC-20213C mass spectrograph .


  14. Study on the Contents of Mineral Elements of 14 Chinese Traditional Medicines for Lung Channel Tropism by Inductively Coupled Plasma Mass Spectrograph ( ICP-MS ) Method


  15. The variation of the roasted green tea aroma during tea processing was studied by gas chromatography and mass spectrograph ( GC / MS ) .


  16. The paper introduces the basic principle , constitutes and classify of Mass spectrograph , and mainly reviews the application of food analysis in injurant and toxicant .


  17. There are many types of mass spectrograph , such as quadrupole mass spectrograph , ion trap mass spectrograph , time-of-flight mass spectrograph , etc.


  18. But , comparing with quadrupole mass spectrograph , the control systems of ion trap mass spectrograph is more complex , the requirements on time are more stringent .


  19. Thereinto ion trap mass spectrograph is a new development of the technology , which can do multi-stage MS analysis , and do useful to a qualitative analysis of complex compound .


  20. Instructions of time of flight mass spectrograph and quadrupole mass spectrograph are given , and the scheme of dynamic measuring system for gaseous emission from an engine are presented .


  21. The electronic and spraying biochip is a new biochip , it is used for analyzing pharmacologic variability by linking mass spectrograph , the micro-nozzle is key part .


  22. F. W. Aston , the British experimental physicist , won the Nobel Prize in chemistry in 1922 due to the invention of a mass spectrograph .


  23. Harvested cells in the harvest period , extracted saponins from the cells adopting alcohol references , colorimetry was applied to measure the content of their saponins , and mass spectrograph detected saponin type .


  24. The advantages and disadvantages of different detecting technologies including the method of dipping into water , direct pressure method , differential pressure method , mass spectrograph detecting method and laser detecting system are analyzed and the methods of searching leakage are introduced .


  25. The application of industry mass spectrograph system in ethylene cracking furnace , which has advanced structure , excellent characteristics and microprocessor technique , is introduced . In project selection , the principle and system configuration of mass spectrograph is described mainly .


  26. Noble gas isotope mass spectrograph can determine most of noble gas isotope ratios and abundances according to the principle that the ions with different charge-to-mass ratios have different off-angles in the same magnetic field .


  27. The application is introduced of some modern methods , such as solid 13C nuclear magnetic resonance ( NMR ), mass spectrograph ( MS ) and Fourier transform infrared spectroscopy ( FTIR ) in the analysis of various vulcanizates .


  28. The characteristics and kinetic modeling of carbon isotope of methane in Jurassic humic gas in Kuqa depression in Tarim basin have been studied by combining pyrolysis experiment in closed gold tube system and analysis of methane isotope with GC-IRMS isotope mass spectrograph .
