- n.相配;配对防守

This erroneous match-up is true for both domestic and international companies .
Mainly in the game match-up zone defense tactic .
In this match-up speed is important and keeping your enemy at a low tech level is critical .
There was plenty of action , and fans were eager to see this match-up .
They played great on their West Coast trip and I think it was set up just right for a great match-up .
An Empirical Study on the Impact of Endorsers ' Attractiveness on Consumers ' Purchase Intention under Different Match-up Level
But would the six-seed yield the most advantageous match-up ?
This is the most difficult match-up , but it 's possible to win if you don 't mess up .
No , 8.5is an extremely good match-up quotient .
We learned the match-up zone and filling-in the last time . This time , we will learn combination defence and close man-to-man .
More than any other match-up of Signs , this astrological pair brings a warmth and sense of stability to those around them .
Maybe they 'll even win a round against the right match-up , but no one is seriously considering them a threat to emerge from the Western Conference .
And it 's helped considerably as Gasol has been able to match-up with the biggest and the toughest .
But he is also looking ahead to a possible general election match-up with the presumed Republican candidate , Senator John McCain of Arizona .
Meanwhile , celebrity / brand match-up is the only variable does not generate any positive effects on customers ' attitude toward either the advertisement or the brand .
Former Lazio and Sampdoria player Attilio Lombardo has given his views on this weekend 's match-up between the two sides and discussed his time at both clubs .
In each category , respondents chose between every possible head-to-head match-up of the included brands , so what emerged was a ranking of their connection to each , from first to last .
In seeking a match-up with an employer , particularly the first one , you would be ahead of the game to set down in writing , somewhere that you will see it often , those values and characteristics that are critical to you .
Most researches on celebrity endorsement are based on the Source Credibility Model , Source Attractiveness Model , Match-Up Hypothesis and Meaning Transfer Model and concentrated on the endorser 's credibility ( including expertise and trustworthiness ), attractiveness and congruence .
Collect run-time log information by adopting standard protocol Syslog and Regular Expressions ( REs ) based pattern match-up method , use multi-dimensional model and information security modeling based on data warehouse technology , to co-relate audited and analyzed subjects through common analytical dimension ;