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美 [ˈmɛltˌdaʊnz]英 [ˈmɛltdaʊnz]
  • n.核反应堆核心熔毁(导致核辐射泄漏)
  • meltdown的复数



  • 1
    N-VAR (核反应堆的)堆芯熔毁
    If there is meltdown in a nuclear reactor, the fuel rods start melting because of a failure in the system, and radiation starts to escape.

    Emergency cooling systems could fail and a reactor meltdown could occur.


  • 2
    N-UNCOUNT (公司、机构或系统的)崩溃,彻底失败
    The meltdown of a company, organization, or system is its sudden and complete failure.

    Urgent talks are going on to prevent the market going into financial meltdown during the summer.


  1. Japan 's Fukushima Daiichi nuclear power plant suffered three meltdowns last year .


  2. Keeping loans on banks'books will help avoid future meltdowns that could torpedo years of profits .


  3. Three reactors at the Fukushima-Daiichi nuclear power station suffered meltdowns .


  4. One of the two nuclear plants in Fukushima Prefecture where partial meltdowns have taken place .


  5. Following the earthquake and tsunami that caused meltdowns and explosions at a nuclear power plant last year .


  6. It also severely damaged the Fukushima-1 nuclear power plant where reactors suffered meltdowns .


  7. Otherwise , Mr Krugman believes the financial system will remain prone to catastrophic meltdowns .


  8. Paired with hydrogen explosions , these meltdowns allowed radioactive material to escape .


  9. In my experience , context switches are actually behind more total " meltdowns " at high load than data copies ;


  10. It just turns out to be a lot of what you call " meltdowns , "


  11. Engineers are trying to prevent meltdowns by flooding the chambers of the nuclear reactors with sea water .


  12. With so many high-profile financial meltdowns , mere existential angst among fund managers can pass unnoticed .


  13. High-speed trading can lead to market meltdowns , as almost happened on May 6th 2010 , unless automatic breaks are installed .


  14. Meltdowns are also more likely to happen if a larger portion of the workload is resting on one set of shoulders .


  15. More importantly , we had been having many family meltdowns in the past few weeks over our fickle computers .


  16. The nuclear industry has been in a state of paralysis since the meltdowns at the Fukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant four years ago .


  17. Despite this year 's nuclear reactor meltdowns in Japan , its neighbor South Korea is moving ahead with an expansion of its civilian nuclear industry .


  18. The resulting contingency document submitted on March 25 envisioned a hydrogen explosion in unit 1 initiating a succession of meltdowns .


  19. However , the corporate meltdowns of recent years have highlighted the fact that companies most often do not fully recognize the risks they are taking or manage them well .


  20. And when you looked at the information we did have , it was very clear to me early on that there had probably been at least one , probably two meltdowns .


  21. Now he realizes that tantrums and meltdowns are not going to get him anywhere , so he just doesn 't have them .


  22. In late February , wolf showed he was alert to the scale of the crisis , warning that the US faced " the mother of all meltdowns " .


  23. Thanksgiving may be the holiday from hell for nutritionists , and it produces plenty of war stories for psychiatrists dealing with drunken family meltdowns .


  24. The shaking evoked memories of the events off the coast of Japan in 2011 that triggered meltdowns at a nuclear power plant that the country is still struggling with .


  25. Wild boars are reportedly thriving in the evacuated areas around the Fukushima Daiichi Nuclear Power Plant , which experienced multiple meltdowns following an earthquake-triggered tsunami back in 2011 .


  26. South-east Asia 's secretive billionaires played a crucial , if disputed , role in the postwar economic miracle , the market meltdowns of 1997-98 and the subsequent recovery .


  27. With the holiday season in full swing , so are angry meltdowns in department stores , restaurantstaurant s , airports and just about anywhere else , really .


  28. It was the first declaration of a nuclear incident in Japan since regulators classed the meltdowns at the Fukushima Daiichi plant a level ' 7 ' the highest in 2011 .


  29. Having stuck with Indonesia as other firms bailed out during one or other of the country 's periodic meltdowns , the Japanese are being rewarded for their perseverance .


  30. But the new reason to hate the vehicles now is they are tainted by association with the electric power company that suffered and , in many minds , helped cause the Fukushima nuclear meltdowns .
