
  • 网络美特斯邦威;美特斯·邦威
  1. As these brands go , Metersbonwe has done well .


  2. Metersbonwe , keep yourself , and you will be the first worldwide famous brand of China !


  3. True , ports design was trading at half the multiple of larger and better-known rivals such as Metersbonwe .


  4. But even each of Metersbonwe 's most upmarket shops generates 14 times less revenue than H and M 's shops in China .


  5. But then along came the likes of Zara , H and M and Uniqlo in China , which are challenging Metersbonwe on the financial front .


  6. In one scene , a commuter sips Yili milk , while the hero of the movie is seen wearing at-shirt by Metersbonwe .


  7. That has given rise to a number of fashion houses with European-sounding names , from Semir and Septwolves to Giordano and Metersbonwe .


  8. He is chairman of Metersbonwe , the fashion retailer that arrived on the map when Millward Brown Optimor , the research agency , selected it as one of the global brands with the most growth potential .


  9. Metersbonwe , one of the best known brands on the Chinese high street , said in a statement to the Shenzhen stock exchange last Friday that founder Zhou Chengjian , China 's 62nd richest man with a fortune of Rmb26.5bn ( $ 4bn ) last year , was back at work along with Tu Ke , board secretary .
