
  • adj.我也是;<非正式>(产品)跟风销售的,仿造的(同 me-too)
  1. The story sparked the \# MeToo movement exposing workplace harassment and won a Pulitzer Prize last week .


  2. The organization , confronting its own harassment scandal and searching for its place in the \# MeToo era , had worked on the new format for several months .


  3. But at a time when the United States and other countries are directly confronting the \# MeToo movement , the inequalities and biases in China are rarely discussed openly and remain firmly entrenched .


  4. Though she says ' women have a tight to be angry ' , McGowan says \# MeToo activists have ' sold themselves a fiction ' rather than face up to the true nature of Hollywood .


  5. On the subject of \# MeToo , she said : ' I just think they 're douche bags . They 're not champions . I just think they 're losers . I don 't like them .


  6. In the wake of the Harvey Weinstein scandal and the \# MeToo and Time 's Up campaigns that have followed , gender equality is at the forefront of conversation in Hollywood right now .


  7. The cases were reviewed by a task force established to evaluate sex abuse allegations in the entertainment industry in the wake of dozens of women accusing disgraced film mogul Harvey Weinstein and others of abuse amid the nationwide \# MeToo movement .
