
  • n.微绒毛;微绒毛,微细纤毛
  1. There are two microvillus axes perpendicular to each other .


  2. Nonrespiratory cells have microvillus and lots of lipid droplet in the cytoplasm .


  3. The damage of microvillus in bone marrow was alleviated .


  4. The mitochondria were destroyed remarkably and the microvillus got shorter , fractured or even disappeared .


  5. Microvillus decreasing , atrophy of cell apparatus including Golgi and mitochondria as well as typical apoptosis cells could also been seen by electron microscope ;


  6. Result : TS damaged the ultrastructure of S180 cancer cells , shortened and thickened the microvillus , swelled mitochondria .


  7. Ultrastructural investigations showed that there are microvillus on the surface and plenty of rough endo - plasmic reticulum in cells .


  8. Merge of mucus drops , decrease of microvillus in the cavity of gland , middle electron density matter in the cavity of glands .


  9. Near the area through which the first polar body was extruded , the microvillus of oocyte disappeared , where the second polar body might possibly be extruded .


  10. With many a microvillus and abundant lipid drops and glycogen particles , the columnar cells play a very important role in absorption , intracellular digestion and energy reservation .


  11. But the cylindrical cells in the inner surface became short , plicas become less , pilus and microvillus almost fell off , secretory granules became less or disappeared .


  12. The decrease of microvillus . on surface of ROS 17 / 2 . 8 cells after 1 , 25 ( OH ) 2D3 treatment was observed by scanning electron microscopy .


  13. Compared with air group , hyperoxic group shows : ( 1 ) Swollen mitochondrions , empty lamellar bodys , and shed microvillus were found in type II alveolar epithelial cells ;


  14. In result of TEM , microvillus disappear , electron density of cytoplasm is high , large deciduous apoptosis bodies appear after being treated with 1.0mg/ml Mat for 24 houres .


  15. The corresponding antiserum was acquired by immunizing rabbits with the nephritogenic tubular epithelial antigen ( Tub-Ag ) isolated from renal tubular brush border microvillus membranes of normal rats .


  16. After being treated with 50 μ g / ml LTA for 72 hours , microvillus disappear , electron density of cytoplasm is high and organells is not clear , large deciduous apoptosis bodies appear .


  17. Whereas in CP + CPABM groups , the tumor cells shrunken with obvious pyknosis , the surface microvillus disappeared , free ribosome reduced notably in cells and mitochondrion in cytoplasm presented vacuolation .


  18. Immunoelectron microscopy showed that the granules of protein A-gold ( PAG ) could be seen in different electro - density secretion granules in carcinoma cells , in intercellular space and on the surface of membrane of microvillus .


  19. Observation by scanning electron microscope : The olfactory vesicle changed their shape , ORNs decreased , the olfactory cilia and the microvillus of the supporting cells disappeared , accord with the observation of transmission electron microscope .


  20. Observed the hepatocytes of Sprague-Dawley rat and monkey of mountain Tai Hang , a special structure of dent was found to be present in the membrane of hepatocytes , at the same time , microvillus in the hollow .


  21. Ultra structure study showed that the BDD liver cells have plenty of mitochondrions , rough endoplasmic reticula ( RER ) and free ribosomes . Its bile capillary cavity was narrow and the microvillus destroyed obviously .


  22. The intestine has many mucosal folding , and its epithelium is composed of columnar cells with a distinct microvillus brush border . The histological structure of the pyloric caeca is the same as the intestine .


  23. Caco-2 cell came from human adenocarcinoma of colon cells and form polarity monolayer spontaneously in condition of cultivation , which have the differentiation characteristic of microvillus and tight junction which was similar to human small intestine epithelium striated border .


  24. Rabbits of group B had the following changes : microvillus of some type ⅱ epithelial cell surface of pulmonary alveoli developed shedding , the collagen fibers tissue of pulmonary alveoli compartment proliferated , and the base of endothelial cell narrowed .


  25. The intestinal villi ultrastructure of Carassius auratus was observed with scanning electron microscope . The for-gut villi of 0.05 % xylanase group arranged regularly and developed best , their microvillus had compact structure and less chyme granules .


  26. Methods : The ALP purification procedure included isolation microvillus of porcine kidney cortices by solubilization the membrance-binding enzymes with 1-butanol , precipitation with ammonium sulfate , chromatography on DEAE-Sephacel , ConA-Sepharose , Sephadex G-200 and a immuno-affinity column of anti-GGT antibodies .
