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  • 网络中华人民共和国工业和信息化部
  1. MIIT provides first timetable for introduction of the new system .


  2. MIIT announces entry criteria for cement industry .


  3. China has made progress in the research of some key areas regarding 5G technology , said MIIT chief engineer Zhang Feng .


  4. According to the report of MIIT , the numbers of mobile phone owners are 940 million until 2011 august in China .


  5. It is worth noting that new energy vehicles are seen most frequently in the new vehicle admittance catalogue released by MIIT .


  6. MIIT said that the Internet of things has become the important field of worldwide economic and technological development , and the development will promote economic development and social progress .


  7. The two stopped their row after MIIT stepped in , warning them against unfair competition and practices harming consumers .


  8. The Ministry of Industry and Information Technology ( MIIT ) released a list of the top 100 software companies in China by sales revenue for 2017 .


  9. This was after China 's Ministry of Industry and Information Technology ( MIIT ) Sunday ordered the two companies to publicly apologize within five working days .


  10. The MIIT said in a round of consultations on Green Dam in March that it had received broad support from PC makers .


  11. The subsidies will be paid by car dealers first and they apply the subsidies from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology ( MIIT ) .


  12. Both companies had already begun toning down their public recriminations last week following criticism from Internet users and a warning from the MIIT .


  13. In recent years , telecom operators respond positively to the requirements of the SASAC and the MIIT on the energy saving and emission reduction work .


  14. The Chinese Ministry of Industry and Information Technology ( MIIT ) began to research and test 5G technology Thursday with the aim of commercializing it by 2020 .


  15. This Special Operation involved such links as information service , network access and telecom operation in Internet , mobile telecommunication and other networks , an official in MIIT said .


  16. The MIIT said in a round of consultations on Green Dam in March that it had received " broad support " from PC makers .


  17. His comments prompted the MIIT , the sector 's regulator , to announce plans to cut mobile data charges by a third before this year .


  18. To solve this problem , MIIT released an announcement in the end of 2008 , which marked that the policy of infrastructure sharing was implemented officially .


  19. The China Banking Regulatory Commission and MIIT initially told banks to provide information about their compliance plans by March 15 and begin implementing them by April 1 .


  20. China had 770 million 4G users as of the end of 2016 , double the number from a year earlier , data from the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology ( MIIT ) showed .


  21. The thesis presents the work of the project of high-performance RF front-end in broadband wireless access platform . The project has acquired the support of the development fund for electronic and information industry from MIIT .


  22. Other critics say the forced adoption of indigenous IT equipment could jeopardise the stability of banks ' computer networks . The CBRC and MIIT declined to comment on the new rules .


  23. More than 58 % of China 's mobile phone users were 4G subscribers at the end of 2016 , according to Zhang Feng , spokesperson and chief engineer of MIIT .


  24. As the data released by the Ministry of Industry and Information ( MIIT ) has shown , the total number of Internet broadband subscribers has exceeded 360 million by the end of June 2010 .


  25. Certification Authority ( CA ), an organization which is approved by authorized government department ( such as MIIT in China ), is set up for providing reliable the electronic certification service in electronic transactions .


  26. The top 100 firms saw a 15.8 % rise in net profit to 171.3 billion yuan , which accounted for 19.6 % of the whole industry , and those enterprises devoted 155 billion yuan to research and development , according to the MIIT .


  27. The purpose of the research and test is to support the formulation of global 5G standards and boost the development of the telecom industry , said Cao Shumin , head of a 5G R & D team under the MIIT .


  28. China built 257000 new 5G base stations in the first half of the year , according to the Ministry of Industry and Information Technology ( MIIT ) . The total number of the stations had reached 410000 by the end of June , MIIT data showed .


  29. On June 30 , a day before the deadline by which it had said it would require all new PCs to come with Green Dam installed , the MIIT said it would delay introduction of the software indefinitely to give PC makers more time to prepare .


  30. But the MIIT on Sunday issued a sharp rebuke to both companies , saying their improper competition , and even unilateral termination of services , had an impact on customers ' normal use of services , triggered users ' dissatisfaction and created a negative effect on society .
