minimum purchase

美 [ˈmɪnɪməm ˈpɜːrtʃəs]英 [ˈmɪnɪməm ˈpɜːtʃəs]
  • 最低采购量
minimum purchaseminimum purchase
  1. China said this year it would scrap the minimum purchase price policy .


  2. As a result , the minimum purchase price was $ 62,000 .


  3. The minimum purchase value in Cash & Carry store is $ 50 .


  4. Each pixel was worth $ 1 , minimum purchase : 100 pixels .


  5. • iPod touch is only allowed to be used in special circumstances and requires a minimum purchase of 250 units .


  6. By 1820 , the minimum purchase was reduced to 80 acres and the price per acre to $ 1.25 .


  7. The meeting says the policies including minimum purchase prices for rice and wheat and subsidies for corn and soybean producers will remain and be improved .


  8. By capping the state-set minimum purchase price as costs rise , the government hoped to bring it into line with market prices , Mr Chen said .


  9. With the principle of minimum purchase cost , it establishes a model of raw material supply , draws up the scheme for it , and controls the purchase quantity .


  10. To raise rural incomes more rapidly , the top Chinese economic planning agency on Monday raised the minimum purchase price of wheat by up to15 percent beginning next year .


  11. Some companies require a minimum purchase ; others offer the service to anyone , even new customers , but expect to rack up hundreds of dollars in post-treatment sales .


  12. Beijing promised to bolster rural demand by raising agricultural subsidies , increasing the minimum purchase prices for grain crops , investing more in infrastructure and improving public services to outlying areas .


  13. In addition , we continued the minimum purchase price policy for key grain varieties in major grain-producing areas and increased transfer payments to counties and townships with financial difficulties and major grain-producing counties .


  14. We will continue to raise the minimum purchase price for grain , and we will raise the average floor prices for wheat and rice by 7.4 yuan and 16 yuan per 50 kilograms , respectively .


  15. We will raise the minimum purchase prices of wheat and rice , and continue to implement the policy on purchasing and stockpiling corn , canola seeds and sugar on an ad hoc basis .


  16. At present , the grain purchasing policy , especially not on the minimum purchase price policy for grain literature research , neither is the system is not very thorough , study of the whole area is still at the primary stage .


  17. We raised the minimum grain purchase prices by a large margin .


  18. These include higher minimum grain purchase prices and subsidising purchases of durables and cars .


  19. We carried out the policy of minimum grain purchase prices and raised the floor prices for wheat and rice between 41.7 % and 86.7 % .


  20. We will support a large increase in the minimum grain purchase prices and make allocations in full and on time for the purchase and storing of grain and associated expenses and interests .


  21. The system assured the right production and aimed at minimum raw material purchase and store cost of enterprise .


  22. The minimum quantity allowed for purchase is % s.


  23. There 's no minimum skill level to purchase the recipes off the vendor , so don 't worry there .


  24. Accounting value target is a mechanism , including capital cost minimum in fund raising stage , assets cost minimum in purchase stage , value multiplication maximization in production stage , value realization maximization in sales stage , and essential factor owner value maximization in assignment stage .
