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son of Zeus and Europa;king of ancient Crete;ordered Daedalus to build the labyrinth;after death Minos became a judge in the underworld


  1. I raised this possibility along the works of Plato , " Minos " interpretation .


  2. The tangled Indian aesthetics , mixed with so many culture forms as religion , ethics , philosophy and poetry , etc , is just like the Minos Labyrinth that makes one shrink back at the sight of it .


  3. FAITH LAPIDUS : The MINOS experiment may also measures neutrinos traveling faster than the speed of light .


  4. Last year two experiments , t2k in Japan and Minos in America , found hints of what it might be .


  5. Meanwhile , Minos had raised a considerable fleet , and set out in search of Dedalus .


  6. In America , meanwhile , Minos is being replaced with a fancier experiment called nova , which will start collecting data in 2013 .


  7. Except the MINOS experiment and the OPERA experiment , kinds of the neutrinos experiments by far reveal that there is no obvious event of the superluminal neutrinos .


  8. Some experiments signals , such as that of the MINOS , reveal that the oscillation of the neutrino is different to that of the anti-neutrino .


  9. They were not quasi-divine overmen like Pharaoh or Minos or the monarchs of Mesopotamia .


  10. These include t2k and Minos , both of which use particle accelerators to whip up beams of muon-neutrinos and send them to detectors hundreds of kilometres away .


  11. ( Greek mythology ) an Athenian inventor who built the Labyrinth of Minos ; to escape the Labyrinth he fashioned wings for himself and his sone Icarus .


  12. MIONS-6000 Optic Disk and Network System For Medical lmage and Text ( MINOS ) was developed in chinese windows environment of PC by using technology of Order Opposite Process ( OOP ), using C + + . FOXPRO and multimedia tools .

    本研究在PC机中文视窗环境下,采用面向对象的程序设计技术,用C ̄(++)和FOXPRO及多媒体应用生成工具混合编程。开发了MIONS-6000医学图文光盘网络系统。

  13. " Europa : a Phoenician princess abducted to Crete by zeus , who had assumed the form of a white bull , and by him the mother of minos , rhadamanthus , and sarpedon . "
