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  1. It has shrunk from £ 1.19 billion in 2011 to £ 1.12 billion in 2015 , according to a new report from market research company Mintel .


  2. " Strength , softness and thickness remain the leading indicators of toilet paper quality , with just a small proportion of consumers preferring more luxurious alternatives , such as those with flower patterns of perfume , said Mintel analyst Jack Duckett . ' '


  3. This is driving consumer choice in fast food , according to Mintel .


  4. According to market research firm Mintel , demand for personalized cosmetics is growing fast .


  5. Research from Mintel shows that famous brand names may actually wield less power in China than elsewhere .


  6. And market research firm Mintel predicts that the chocolate market will keep growing throughout the recession .


  7. And China 's imports of cheese rose 70 percent from 2009 to 2014 , according to Mintel , a market research company .


  8. Yet , according to the market research firm Mintel , only 20 per cent of men follow some kind of skincare routine .


  9. More than half of all women are concerned about excess body hair , according to a report published by market research company Mintel last month .


  10. According to Mintel , sales of baby durables in the US were $ 2.7bn in 2011 .


  11. Persuading Chinese mothers to use disposable nappies has been a slow process , says Xu Ruyi , head of China research at Mintel .


  12. Only those young enough to be unburdened by mortgages and other financial commitments are likely to continue spending freely , according to Mintel 's research .


  13. Hair loss or thinning , is the second most common concern , worrying 40 percent of the respondents to the Mintel survey of 2000 British men .


  14. In the UK , says Mintel , " 45 per cent of parents would go for a product they 've used before and a low price is among the top three influencing factors . "


  15. Mintel 's research found that nearly half of people ( 41 per cent ) said they will be spending less this year & almost double the22 per cent who said that last year .


  16. Shops hoping for a Christmas lift are likely to be disappointed because spending will stagnate as the recession bites , market research firm Mintel is predicting .


  17. Not that men seem all that intimidated by skin care : According to Mintel , a Chicago-based market research group , 63 % of guys 25-34 report that they use moisturizer .


  18. Mintel said that men appeared to be more accepting than women when it came to their appearance , but found that at 45 years of age , men become increasingly less happy with their looks .


  19. Mintel said that men appeared to be more accepting than women when it came to their appearance , but found that at45 years of age , men become increasingly less happy with their looks .


  20. According to Mintel , sales of men 's skincare products rose last year to £ 95.1m , up from £ 85.4m in 2012 , and are forecast to reach £ 96.2m in 2014 .


  21. In the UK , the soap , bath and shower market , which includes both anti-bacterial and plain soap , was worth 638 million euros in 2014 , according to Mintel .


  22. But now the looming recession means people are looking to have a " much less indulgent " festive season , according to Richard Perks , Mintel 's director of retail and financial research .


  23. In the first quarter of this year , Amore Pacific generated revenues of 3.4 billion yuan ( $ 535.4 million ) from China , Mintel Group Ltd , a market research firm in the United Kingdom , reported .


  24. Hair color is the number one appearance concern for men today , with more than half of British men worrying about graying hair , and 45 marks the age when panic really , according to a poll from market research firm Mintel .


  25. Mintel , a market-researcher , says sales of men 's beauty products in France , Germany , Spain , Britain and Italy rose by 8 % between 2005 and 2010 , despite the recession , and will grow another 8 % by 2014 .
