On Functional Differences between Missive and Official and Written Reply
Today 's missive is about supply constraints .
That missive , sent to executives , was a wake-up call .
This is yet another missive on my growing awareness of the complexities and challenges of the venture business .
Your missive , while complete in other regards , skirted the subject of cost .
I wait now only for a package from London to finish this missive and have done with this book .
In this connected age , you don 't have to post a missive on a website for everyone to learn about it .
A confused , disoriented state of mind . Missive . You send a one-way telepathic message to subject .
Sure , sometimes it 's perfectly acceptable to shoot off a short , all lowercase missive to a colleague .
In this work , a real-time drop size measuring system consisting of a trans - missive optical fibre apparatus and an Apple - ⅱ microcomputer was developed .
This new moon sends a gorgeous missive to Neptune ( very positively ), so you could become quite inspired by someone you meet this month .
Planning to do just that I mentioned the missive to a manager , who immediately advised me to resist the temptation to react .
Can you read this missive , ducky ?
Hostilities rose with a missive issued by the China 's Ministry of Commerce to the United States on Sunday over its anti-dumping measures and counter investigations on Chinese solar products .
The missive remains unwritten and unsent .
Mercury will send a sparkling missive to Uranus , planet of surprise , and this time the surprises you get will be ones you 'll find completely captivating .
It was only the schoolgirl 's second letter , after her first missive to Father Christmas , but the search engine 's CEO Sundar Pichai wrote back .
If you 're still not sure your reader is fully invested , simPLY LEAN ON YOUR CAPS LOCK TO IMBUE YOUR MISSIVE WITH A THROBBING IMMEDIACY .
In the simple , but plainly expressed missive the singer dubbed the Man in Black writes ' you 're the object of my desire , the \# 1 Earthly reason for my existence ' 。
In the simple , but plainly expressed missive the singer dubbed the Man in Black writes ' you 're the object of my desire , the # 1 Earthly reason for my existence ' .
Whilst he was hastily packing together a few articles for his journey he glanced over a poor plain missive also lately come to hand-the one from Marian and Izz Huett , beginning
His letter to investors in Facebook 's initial public offering was more sober than this week 's missive but shared some of the same idealism , with its talk of creating " more direct empowerment of people . "
Notwithstanding , my journey homeward was sadder than my journey thither ; and many misgivings I had , ere I could prevail on myself to put the missive into Mrs Linton 's hand .
You could send the offending missive back , adding : " I fear this may have become garbled in transmission . " But this is unlikely to enlighten the culprit or endear you to him or her .
South Korea said earlier in the day it would return the protest from Yoshihiko Noda without answering it , for fear any move to acknowledge the missive would bolster Tokyo 's claim to islands that both sides say they own .
In his missive , Mr Cook also revealed that " growth in iPhone activations has actually accelerated over the past few weeks , and we have had the best performance of the year for the App Store in China during the last two weeks . "
The actress posted on Instagram a seemingly heartfelt missive after the attacks in Nice and Turkey . But she paired it with a photo of her in some skimpy lingerie attempting to look seductive .
But due to the high proportion of bridge and tunnel , the poor transportation , a lot of traction transformers of AT power supply and missive civil engineering , it is more difficult to set up stations and operation maintenance for the electrified railway in mountain area .