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  • 网络混合类型;米心;混进;糅合
  1. A mixin type acts a lot like a decorator , providing extra characteristics to a node .


  2. In the simplest case , you can perform versioning by adding a mix : versionable mixin type to any node .


  3. An interface is also constructed for the parent of the mixin .


  4. Then only GUI components could be extended by our mixin .


  5. There are three things to note in this mixin


  6. In addition to the primary node type , a node may also have one or more mixin types .


  7. A " mixin class " is an interesting concept , and is often a good design choice .


  8. The name mixin was used because such classes can be mixed together with other classes in various ways .


  9. An instance mixin is a mixin applied to a specific instance of a component .


  10. Basically , @ mixin is a user-defined function .


  11. A mixin can implement multiple interfaces .


  12. Adjust the fuel mixin the jet pack .


  13. However , unlike an abstract class , a mixin does not try to contain the framework for a child .


  14. In this solution , a mixin is associated with a view that determines which method to call in the case of a name clash .


  15. Objective : To Study the effect of fixing-fluoride of bone salt emulsion extracted from sheep bone for raw material of Mixin black tea .


  16. Also notice that the type checker can 't even check that every instantiation of a mixin will result in valid super-constructor calls .


  17. I 'd be mixin ' up a bathtub full of eggnog


  18. Each instantiation of a mixin is compiled to a separate Java class ; no sharing of bytecode occurs across copies .


  19. Then the mixin instantiation Scrollable would contain two methods getSize with identical ( empty ) parameter types , but incompatible return types !


  20. Jam is a backward-compatible extension of the Java platform , v1.0 ( with two new keywords : mixin and inherited ) .


  21. Widgets that use this mixin need to override the function'initializeStrings ' , and populate it with calls to the getString function .


  22. In Jam , the methods required in the parent class are declared with declarations inside the mixin class def , like this : inherited .


  23. Ambiguous overloading is a problem because method arguments may be of mixin type , allowing for situations in which two overloaded methods are applicable and neither is more specific .


  24. Because a mixin 's parent may be instantiated with a type parameter , there is no way for the type checker to determine all cases of accidental method overriding .


  25. In the course of this article , you 've already encountered the namespaces jcr for JCR internal properties , mix for mixin types , and nt for node types .


  26. If no constructors are specified in a mixin instantiation , the default zero-argument ( zeroary ) constructor is assumed .


  27. One really big problem that arises with any formulation of mixins is that the method names of a particular mixin may clash with the method names of a potential instantiation of its superclass .


  28. A class obtained by instantiating a mixin M on a parent class P should have the same behavior as a usual heir of P whose body contains a copy of all the components defined in M.


  29. In the Jam extension to the Java language , the type of the superclass of a mixin has no name ; we simply can 't refer to it in the body of the mixin .


  30. Jam mixins can be instantiated only on classes ; unlike components in Jiazzi , there is no notion of mixin composition ( however , the Jam team would like to explore such an extension ) .
