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  • 网络简化儒略日;儒略日;约瑟夫病;约化儒略日
  1. Gene diagnosis of MJD / SCA3 based on fragment analysis with capillary electrophoresis


  2. Methods : Fragment analysis with capillary electrophoresis was applied to count the CAG repeat of MJD gene and was proved with sequencing .


  3. Objective To study the clinic , neuro electrophysiology and molecular biology of Machado Joseph disease ( MJD ) .


  4. Objective : To set up and optimize the method of gene diagnosis for MJD / SCA3 and study the relationship between phenotype and CAG repeat number .


  5. Results The gene mutations of 9 SCA families were MJD among which 6 asymptomatic MJD had been detected in 2 SCA families .


  6. The shortest repeats of ( CAG ) 8 in alleles of SCA3 / MJD genes may be special genotype in northeastern of china .


  7. Methods Family visiting , physical examination and the blood samples were analysed on molecular biology in 44 members of a family with MJD . The cases of inpatients were examined on cerebrospinal fluid and neuro electrophysiology .


  8. Conclusion CAG expansions were related to MJD . The technique of gene mutation detection can provide an effective way for the prediction of asymptomatic and genetic counseling , diagnosis and different diagnosis , which was fundamental for gene typing .


  9. Spinocerebellar ataxia type 3 / Machado-Joseph disease ( SCA3 / MJD ) is a kind of autosomal dominant disease , which is characterized by degeneration of neurons and accumulation of aberrant protein aggregates in affected neurons .
