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  • 网络网络;磁共振神经成像;神经成像;动向参考编号;马丁
  1. The experimental study of enhancive radio-sensitivity of head & neck cancer cells after the functional inhibition of MRN complex


  2. To Compare the difference between the data of normal lumbar plexus nerve measured through Magnetic Resonance Neurography ( MRN ) with specimen .


  3. Conclusion Display rate and contrast-noise ratio of images on MRN were higher than the other two sequences , MRN can show nerves clearly and make nerve bright on this sequence , it should be the routine sequence of brachial plexus lesion .


  4. The NBS1 is a component of the MRE11 / RAD50 / NBS1 complex ( MRN ) and plays a critical role in the DNA double strand break ( DSB ) repair and the maintenance of chromosomal integrity .
