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  • abbr.MSNBC公司;主脉冲发生器
  1. MSNBC has released an interesting , interactive , online video of the this paper .


  2. On top of that , it made multiple TV nightly news reports as well as on MSNBC .


  3. Nbcuniversal is in serious negotiations with Microsoft to buy back MSNBC .


  4. In 2014 , for instance , she said she would consider such a measure , MSNBC reported at the time .


  5. The polar vortex caused so many record lows , they renamed it MSNBC .


  6. He is already told MSNBC .


  7. MSNBC reports witnesses say McQuinn shielded his girlfriend when the shooting started .


  8. And that can translate into a greater tendency to head down the path of risky behavior , MSNBC reported .


  9. The debate was held in Cleveland , Ohio and broadcast by the MSNBC cable channel .


  10. Other big internet news names like MSNBC , Fox News , and Yahoo News all also reported millions of live video streams .


  11. NBC Universal 's cable news channel , MSNBC , also has been saddled by sharply declining ratings .


  12. According to MSNBC , she said : I guess I didn 't really know he had passed up until I started shaking him .


  13. No more of that MSNBC terrorist talk . you 're scaring the kids .


  14. Here in the U.S. , however , there 's pretty much a coverage blackout except for MSNBC 's The Ed Show .


  15. The ship , carrying eight people and 3,000 tons of limestone , capsized before rescue forces arrived , notes MSNBC .


  16. She was also named most influential cat of the year by MSNBC and most important meme of the year by Mashable in 2012 .


  17. According to MSNBC , the two , who had been dating since October , were surprised that they could get tickets on the day of the movie 's premier .


  18. Zucker took over the top job at CNN in January amid a ratings slump due in part from intensifying competition from Fox News and MSNBC .


  19. In the top corner of the card , two cartoon characters representing MSNBC and CNN sit on a hill watching and not participating in the race .


  20. But the person asking me was my dear friend and illustrious BU grad Andy Lack , the new chairman of NBC news and MSNBC .


  21. He later revealed that he 'd asked a friend to shoot him so he wouldn 't have to take a drug test at the office . ( Source : MSNBC . com )


  22. News on TV skews very old , said Tom Rogers , the chief executive of TiVo , who helped start CNBC and MSNBC among other cable channels .


  23. Fans of less mainstream sports could find synchronised swimming on Oxygen , or segue from the usual verbal tussles on MSNBC to other forms of wrestling .


  24. We also used all our networks [ NBC , CNBC , MSNBC , telemundo , Bravo , USA , and many others ] , not just one .


  25. Mr. Williams is expected to move to a new role primarily at the cable news network MSNBC , probably in a breaking-news capacity in the beginning , according to one of the people .


  26. What about Greer Fisher at MSNBC ?


  27. If you think of the Pacific plate as a square , we have had a major earthquake in the Northwestern side of that square ( in Japan ), author Simon Winchester told MSNBC .


  28. Republican New York Congressman , Peter King , accuses some in his party of having a double-standard when it comes to helping New York and New Jersey , telling MSNBC about his district .


  29. However MSNBC says some purists are offended that Coca-Cola is veering from its traditional red cans , and some deluded sippers feel that the soda tastes different in white cans .


  30. There was no room for me after MSNBC launched Countdown : Iraq – a daily one-hour show that seemed more keen on glamorizing a potential war than scrutinizing or debating it .
