musical accompaniment
- 音乐伴奏

A person who provides musical accompaniment ( usually on a piano ) .
Its rhythmic structure is underlined by the specially created musical accompaniment .
Primitive Shaman culture in National Dance with Musical Accompaniment in Xinjiang
An Instrument of Musical Accompaniment Based on MIDI Module
Amber 's offering includes a live jazz band providing musical accompaniment .
( esp in pop music ) musical accompaniment to a singer
So eventually , film makers tried to get more control over the musical accompaniment of their films .
This article makes an analysis of remains of shaman culture in contemporary folk dance with musical accompaniment .
In particular , primitive dance with musical accompaniment influences today and lays a foundation for national art in modern times .
It 's a banner and just some light musical accompaniment , Mitchell .
A form of vocal music in which rhyming lyrics are chanted to a musical accompaniment .
Hooper decided to have the entire cast sing all the songs live during filming , with live musical accompaniment .
A regular or rhythmical beating . move in a pattern ; usually to musical accompaniment ; do or perform a dance .
A performance , as in a burlesque act , in which a person slowly removes clothing , usually to musical accompaniment .
The Important Stage Within the Development History of Chinese Ancient Art of Dancing & Exploration of Yue Wu ( Dance with Musical Accompaniment ) in Six Dynasties from Han
So now people who like talking to their plants can now enjoy a musical accompaniment , thanks to a Japanese invention that turns petals and leaves into amplifiers .
It could be that once the person is reassured that there is nothing seriously wrong with them that they are happy to put up with a bit of musical accompaniment to their movements !
The present article expounds the significancein excavating the traditional gymnasticsof the Chinese nation with special mention of bringing forth new ideas in gymnastic movements , musical accompaniment and per-formance theory .
It proves that the exercise intervention programs made in the study , has the positive effect about student exercise psychological effects . Musical accompaniment of calisthenics and fun sport games comply with the characteristics of pupils ' physical and mental development . 4 .
Prof Spence , who runs the University of Oxford 's Crossmodal Research Laboratory , found while some foods appeared to have an obvious musical accompaniment , such as Pavarotti 's Nessun Dorma with pasta dishes , others proved more of a surprise , such as the connection between chilli and rock'n'roll .
When Father beat me , I would go to Grandpa 's room and stood by the windiow from evening till late into the night , watching the white snow falling like cotton , while the lid of the kettle over the stove clinked like a musical Instrument playing accompaniment .
Chapter III explores the language of multi-musical part from the music part ; study the relationship between the main musical instrument and the accompaniment musical instrument , the expression function as well as the acoustics ' influence .