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  • 网络二尖瓣口;韩国斗一;核心骨干网互操作
  1. Based on the selecting theory of HOOPS and HOOPS / MVO architecture , designed the interaction of picking points by mouse for the initial transform .


  2. We explored the influence of different emulsifier amount and species in MSO adjuvant and different spray volume to synergism of MVO by pot test .


  3. The MVO in control group and in the group of orthopedics surgery had no difference compared with that in the patients group of healthy limbs ( P > 0.05 ) .


  4. The author concludes that MVO assay can be used as a noninvasive examination procedure during the acute stage of DVT , but not earlier monitoring evaluation for deep vein re-flow .


  5. The MVO submitted this conclusion to Montserrat 's civil protection committee , which , on6 August , used it as grounds to revoke the evacuation order and allow people back to their houses .
