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  • 网络纳米;奈美惠
  1. In the shadow of Fukushima Daiichi on Wednesday , former residents of the nearby evacuated town of Namie placed flowers at a temporary altar and bowed toward the sea .


  2. Another ," Let 's Keep Trying , Namie . "


  3. Even as a group of like-minded fellow sufferers , Namie warns , you probably can 't transform a bully 's behavior .


  4. Since you mention that a few of your coworkers have also been on the receiving end of your boss 's screaming fits , try sounding them out about the problem , Namie suggests .


  5. Our town has turned out to be another Chernobyl , Masami Yoshizawa , who ran a cattle farm in Namie , 10km from the plant , shouted through a loudspeaker .


  6. Gary Namie , a social psychologist and director of the Workplace Bullying Institute in the US , says cyberbullies are often aggressive in a way they never would be face to face : " Technology makes it so much easier to be hateful and cruel from a distance . "
