- 网络安蒂克

called the Niantic Community Church Group in Connecticut .
Pokemon GO was developed by American mobile game developer Niantic Labs , an offshoot of Google .
Nintendo and Niantic , the companies behind the game , expressed condolences to the families of the victims .
Hanke said Niantic was delaying the game 's introduction in additional countries for a few days so it could handle the demand .
Downloads have been so frequent that Niantic 's servers had trouble handling the traffic and the company is struggling to add additional capacity .
Pokemon Go 's US developer , Niantic , considers requests for exclusions , but does not automatically grant them .
Niantic 's first game , a science-fiction conspiracy thriller called " Ingress , " was made possible by Google 's digital mapping service .
It has partnered with US-based game developer Niantic and the Pok é mon Company , which owns the rights to the characters .
About 15 million users have downloaded Ingress , and there are a little over 1 million active players a month , said John Hanke , Niantic 's chief executive .
Niantic has cut deals like that for " Ingress , " and Hanke said the company would announce sponsored locations for " Pok é mon Go " in the future .
The first suit against game makers Niantic , Nintendo , and The Pokemon Company seeks class action status for others who have had Pokemon stops and gyms placed on their property .
The game 's real-world nature also gives Niantic another intriguing moneymaking possibility , by charging fast-food restaurants , coffee shops and other retail establishments to become sponsored locations where people are motivated to go to pick up virtual loot .
Niantic , a spinoff of Google that is responsible for the design of Pok é mon Go , has added in-game warnings against playing while driving or in other potentially dangerous situations , and a spokesman said the company prioritized safety .
A spokeswoman for Niantic did not respond to allegations that the game is a tool of espionage , and said the company asks all users " to abide by local laws , and respect the locations you visit and people you meet during your exploration . "
Niantic partnered with the Pok é mon Co. to make " Pok é mon Go . " Hanke said he didn 't have exact numbers of players , but that it was safe to say it will be " quite a bit beyond " the number of players Ingress has attracted .