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美 [nɪkəˈsiə]英 [ˌnɪkəˈsiːə]
  • 网络尼科西亚;尼克西亚


the capital and largest city of Cyprus
Synonym: capital of Cyprus


  1. Mr Nicosia and Dreyfus did not return calls seeking comment .


  2. United Nations Protected Areas in nicosia ;


  3. A man has been arrested in Cyprus on suspicion of vandalizing the tombs of three archbishops in nicosia .


  4. Anyone concerned about relatives in Egypt should contact the consular services in Nicosia for information .


  5. University of Nicosia analyst Michael Hajimichael says the island now needs unity .


  6. President Christofias made the statement after today 's talks at the UN Protected area in Nicosia .


  7. For NPR News , I 'm John Psaropoulos in Nicosia .


  8. Agreement on Unmanning of Positions in Sensitive Areas of Nicosia


  9. The capital city , Nicosia , is located to the north-east of the centre of the island .


  10. John Psaropoulos has more from Nicosia .


  11. He also gave a lecture at the University of Nicosia , meeting with Palestinians residing in Cyprus during his visit to the university .


  12. Ledra Street , a thoroughfare in the heart of Nicosia had become a potent symbol of Cyprus 's ethnic partition .


  13. The victim was rushed to Larnaca hospital but due to the seriousness of his condition he was transferred to Nicosia for surgery .


  14. Cyprus and Qatar have been negotiating on a multimillion euro deal to build a luxury retail and leisure complex in Nicosia .


  15. Senior European officials insisted there were no special talks under way with Nicosia , although they were monitoring the situation and did not believe a bail-out was imminent .


  16. In Nicosia , John Psaropoulos reports lawmakers have voted down a bill to impose a hefty levy on bank deposits in order to receive an international loan .


  17. The meeting will be held at the residence of the Special Representative of the UN Secretary General in Cyprus , in the UN-protected area of Nicosia Airport .


  18. Nicosia continues to oppose EU efforts to establish direct trade and economic links to north Cyprus as a way of encouraging the Turkish Cypriot community to continue to support reunification .


  19. The objective of US company " Noble Energy " is to start drilling operations in Cyprus'Exclusive Economic Zone " as soon as possible ", the company 's President David Stover said in Nicosia on Thursday .


  20. The research on consumer buying behavior model has already been mature because of the creation and the application of the several classical models such as Nicosia model , the Howard-Sheth model and the EBK model .


  21. " This discovery is the first tangible proof of Commerce in the recycling of ancient bronzes ," asserts Francesco nicosia , archaeological superintendent of tuscany .


  22. Cyprus has been divided along ethnic lines since 1974 when Turkish troops occupied the northern third of the island in response to a coup in Nicosia aimed at a union with Greece .


  23. POLICE ARE investigating the circumstances in which a54-year-old man died yesterday following a police raid on a house in Nicosia during which the man fell or jumped from a first-floor window .


  24. The meeting will start at0930 ( 0730 GMT ) and will be held at the residence of the Special Representative of United Nations'Secretary General in Cyprus , in the UN protected area of Nicosia Airport .


  25. There was mounting concern among Cypriot officials that Mr Sarris had failed in his mission as the government in Nicosia frantically hunted down other sources of revenue . The central bank said the banking system would remain closed until next Tuesday to avoid a bank run .
