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  • 网络神经肌肉单位
  1. Indeed , ICV injection of NMU in rat brain decreases food intake .


  2. Results NMU was detected in the pig stomach at pH 1 2 , where NMU formed .


  3. The uptake of ~ ( 125 ) i-transferrin in NMU induced mammary tumor of rat


  4. It can be concluded : NMU and the lure technology become more effectively in the breeding and the improvement of rice varietieses .


  5. Composition of phospholipids also changed in all lung fractions it showed that the ratio of PG / PI was decreased significantly in response to NMU .


  6. Part one mainly summarizes the NMU achievements in scientific research , and then try to find out the disparity between the domestic and foreign medical universities with the horizontal comparison .


  7. Seven land mammal ages and thirteen mammal faunal units ( NMU ) are recognized for the Chinese Neogene based on updated large and small mammal faunas .


  8. Conclusion Under the condition of pH 1 2 and presence of sodium nitrite , NMU was synthesized in the stomachs of experimental pigs fed with fish sauce via gastric fistula .


  9. Objective To study the effects of extraneous vascular endothelial growth factor ( VEGF ) on mammary carcinogenesis in resistant Copenhagen ( COP ) rats induced by N-nitroso-N - methylurea ( NMU ) .


  10. During the period of Tenth Five-Year Plan , through the tireless efforts and hard working , Nanjing Medical University ( NMU ) has made the fruitful achievements in the construction of discipline , scientific research platform and scientific research .


  11. It is postulated that N nitrosamides , such as NMU could be formed endogenously in the stomachs of local residents who consume fish sauce often and have a higher exposure to nitrite in their stomachs .
