obama out

  • 网络奥巴马离开(奥巴马一次演讲结束语)
obama outobama out
  1. A New York Times / CBS News poll has Obama out in front by a margin of54 to38 percent .


  2. Fourth , Obama reached out to all citizens .


  3. President Obama throws out the first pitch at the All-Star Game .


  4. Obama came out as the person bringing people together and offeringmessages of hope and reconciliation .


  5. Well , look , two days before Senator McCain outlined his " specific plan ," Barack Obama laid out a six-point detailed plan


  6. President Obama threw out the first pitch as the Washington Nationals opened their season against the Philadelphia Phillies .


  7. Mr. Obama laid out a model of public investment in alternative energy and education , along with tax increases on wealthier families to help cut deficits .


  8. WASHINGTON – In his weekly address , President Obama laid out his plans to address rising gas prices over the short and the long term .


  9. Mr Obama set out his vision of a world free of nuclear weapons hours after being woken in the night to be told of the launch .


  10. Obama lashes out at the leaders of troubled investment firms who took government bailout money and paid bonuses to themselves and other executives .


  11. On Monday , Obama worked out in the morning and played tennis before making his first public remarks on airline security , then hit the golf course .


  12. Mr Obama singled out Iran and North Korea as countries that must do more to co-operate with a world threatened by the prospect of nuclear proliferation .


  13. Mr Obama started out as an underdog in 2007 railing against the cynics and special interests who have turned our government into a game .


  14. If Obama rules out any defense cutbacks in the Asian Pacific chinchilli region , where will the funding for our cities come from ?


  15. Speaking Sunday night on the CBS news program , 60 Minutes , President-elect Barack Obama laid out what are the top priorities his new administration will face .


  16. President Obama pointed out that being born a Kennedy carried tremendous expectations , but he said Edward Kennedy surpassed them because of the person he became .


  17. Mr. Obama held out some hope Thursday that the coming conference with Russia would help the major powers reach a consensus on how to end the bloodshed in Syria .


  18. First lady Michelle Obama beat out heads of state , chief executives and celebrities to rank as the world 's most powerful woman in Forbes magazine 's annual listing on Wednesday .


  19. US presidential hopeful Barack Obama turns out to be a distant relative not only of President George W.Bush but also of wartime British prime minister Winston Churchill , according to US researchers .


  20. After about forty minutes Obama came out form the house and stood , arm in arm , between his eighty-three-year-old grandmother , Sarah Hussein Obama , and his half sister , Auma .


  21. Obama laid out his vision on eliminating nuclear arms in a speech in Prague in April . But he was not the first American president to set that goal , and acknowledged it might not be reached in his lifetime .


  22. According to a Republican aide , Mr Obama stormed out of negotiations on Wednesday night following a heated exchange with Eric Cantor , the number two Republican in the House of Representatives , who suggested the parties focus on a short-term increase in the debt ceiling .


  23. Obama will lay out his recommendations in the White House Rose Garden on Monday afternoon .


  24. US President Barack Obama has laid out his plan for reducing record budget deficits and mounting national debt .


  25. Most Turks also approved that President Obama is going out of his way to underline their country 's European identity .


  26. Taking the reins , Mr Obama yesterday laid out what a spokesman called an opening bid to craft a deal .


  27. Yankee Obama is pulling out from my mum 's belly to my dad 's sofa . Great !


  28. President Obama has set out specific conditions that Libya must fulfil if it 's to avoid Western military intervention in its fight against anti-government forces .


  29. After a decade of rising deficits , Mr Obama recently laid out a tough budget that includes a freeze on annual domestic spending for the next five years .


  30. Unlike George W Bush , his overweening predecessor , President Obama has held out an olive branch to all of America 's mortal enemies .
