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If that doesn 't capture the magnitude of this search , than imagine what one oceanographer described for us .
I like to remember the wonderful old Swedish oceanographer , Otto Petterson .
It is every oceanographer 's dream start to the day .
Led by oceanographer Harry Bryden , the team detected other key changes in the overall Atlantic circulation system .
That answer comes from biological oceanographer Nancy Rabalais of the Louisiana Universities Marine Consortium .
Daniele Bianchi , an oceanographer at the University of Washington .
She was a distinguished oceanographer , and a gifted painter into the bargain .
Simon Boxall , a marine expert and oceanographer dismissed Polizzi 's suggestion .
A recent study by German oceanographer Lothar Stramma and a team of prominent international researchers confirms this phenomenon , and also points the finger at global warming .
That can add to an increase in what William Sweet , a NOAA oceanographer based in Maryland , calls nuisance flooding in low-lying coastal areas .
Josh Willis : Well , I 'm an oceanographer but I study sea level rise , global warming and really how the ocean fits into that global warming picture .
In the study of the global oceanic general circulation model ( OGCM ), it is deemed by the oceanographer community that , the parameterization of vertical mixing plays a key role .
Ocean internal waves is in close relationship with marine acoustics , marine biology , physical oceanography and military oceanography , so it is paid widespread attention to by every government and oceanographer .
EarthSky also spoke with oceanographer Breck Owens at Woods Hole Oceanographic Institution , whose team has released an underwater robot to directly measure currents in and around the oil spill .
In the 1960s , a book named " Silent Spring " which was abdicated by an US female oceanographer Rachel Carson has begun the prologue of the contemporary environment movement .
The solution , devised by biological oceanographer Victor Smetacek of the Alfred Wegener Institute for polar and marine research in Germany and his colleagues , was to use an eddy .
But according to WHOI oceanographer Richard Camilli , the plume could already be hundreds of miles from its previous location , and Hazen 's team could simply have missed it .
They would have argued that he should have sent a professional oceanographer ; or an unmanned craft , which would have been cheaper , safer and ( because it could have remained down there for longer and collected more data ) more effective .
Hjalmar hatun , an oceanographer with the Faeroese fisheries laboratory , said the watch likely drifted south with one of the chunks of ice that frequently break away at the north pole and are carried off by ocean currents .