on to the next one

on to the next oneon to the next one
  1. Then do ONE THING at a time BEFORE you move on to the next one .


  2. Then , once you 've hit that target , you can move on to the next one .


  3. n. We 've exhausted this subject , let 's go on to the next one .


  4. It just means we go on to the next one , and that 's what the individual investor should do .


  5. Just take one unproductive habit , crush it and then move on to the next one .


  6. Let 's not fight about it . It 's over . Let 's just move on to the next one .


  7. Once a course was finished , Solvig could move on to the next one , without paying more .


  8. Getting that dreaded rejection letter stinks at first , but eventually you become able to just shrug it off and go on to the next one 。 9 .


  9. It is much faster to process each of these requests in parallel , rather than calling them one at a time and waiting for each one to complete before going on to the next one .


  10. This is a tedious task and if your CV is unclear , badly laid out and full irrelevant information he or she will move on to the next one .


  11. The games teach the words most commonly used in conversation and applies time-based discipline - the faster you guess the word , the more rapidly you move on to the next one .


  12. The latest research , published in the Quarterly Journal of Experimental Psychology , shows doorways act as a kind of trigger for the brain to file one chapter and move on to the next one .


  13. He feels that his academic success is based on building firm foundations and making sure that he understands each new topic before moving on to the next one .
