oncoming traffic
- 迎面而来的车流

So , so , maybe , since you don 't remember , can you explain at all why would you have crossed behind the bus and into oncoming traffic ?
It takes the equivalent of only a two-second lapse for a driver to veer into oncoming traffic .
Always walk facing the oncoming traffic .
Yield to oncoming traffic .
He dipped his headlights for the oncoming traffic .
Stopped oncoming traffic to let the children cross .
Angle it so you can see the road and so oncoming traffic can see you .
Heavy traffic on the turnpike ; stopped oncoming traffic to let the children cross .
We all know that we shouldn 't run across the road in front of the oncoming traffic , or cycle too close to cars .
This road is a two-lane one-way road , so there is no oncoming traffic for the stretch of it .
Suddenly , the bus began to cross the street into oncoming traffic . Most of the people on the bus didn 't even see what happened because it happened so fast .
In a blind curve where you cannot see all the way around it , drive more slowly in case oncoming traffic wanders into your lane or the curve is tighter than you expected .
On Monday , a driver from Beijing with a baby on board was filmed repeatedly crossing into oncoming traffic before a fellow motorist confiscated his rental car keys .
So you are better off making your own deal with the oncoming traffic ( or any of the other challenges of living and working in China ) than expecting stop , look and listen to apply .
Basically , there was no way for him to go , except in the road way , where there was oncoming traffic for him to go ahead cross and have an encounter , such as this .
As we arrived at his apartment in Malibu , Huang casually mentioned that his mother had on more than one occasion turned the wheel of her car sharply into oncoming traffic to terrorize her children into compliance .
Unfortunately for the driver , this was not the ordinary white fencing that local governments in many Chinese towns install to discourage bad behavior by motorists , such as unexpected U-turns and abrupt lurches into oncoming traffic .
Mexican news outlets quote police officials are saying the driver of a tractor trailer overcorrected after road and then swerved into oncoming traffic , hitting the bus . At least 15 bus passengers were injured in the crash .