
  • 网络办公套件;自由软体
  1. OpenOffice also includes a wide range of applications as part of the basic package .


  2. The cornerstone of OpenOffice development is the UNO component technology .


  3. As with OpenOffice , when thinking about open source alternatives , compatibility is a key requirement .


  4. If your primary needs are word processing and spreadsheets , there is little reason not to use OpenOffice .


  5. Compatibility and usability are of much greater importance , and OpenOffice achieves both perfectly .


  6. OpenOffice , JDKs , and other software is also installed here by default .


  7. OpenOffice already comes with a number of standard templates , but you can download many more for handling specific problems .


  8. The only way to be absolutely sure of compatibility is to exchange documents between your existing applications and OpenOffice .


  9. Open Document , the standard vocabulary behind OpenOffice . org , is an example of Zip packaging .


  10. The feature compatibility ensures that most users will be able to use OpenOffice without changing the way they do any typical tasks .


  11. Simply use the Add-in manager for MonoDevelop to download OpenOffice Automation Samples to get the necessary templates .


  12. OpenOffice is available for a wide range of platforms , so you should be able to find a version for your operating system .


  13. The quality of the graphics rendering and the resulting appearance of slides has been improved significantly in recent OpenOffice versions .


  14. In addition to templates and sample documents , OpenOffice also supports extensions and plug-ins that provide more functions to the main applications .


  15. Fortunately , the team behind OpenOffice spent a lot of time ensuring that the feature set of OpenOffice is substantial .


  16. The two share the same source code and functions ; the open source OpenOffice is subsidized by the commercial StarOffice .


  17. There are obvious benefits to this : installing OpenOffice and getting people up to speed on the new suite will take very little effort .


  18. Several companies that chose to migrate to OpenOffice cite this compatibility as the main reason for the success of the move .


  19. The DOM is increasingly exposed in tools : Web browsers , SVG browsers , OpenOffice , and others .


  20. With OpenOffice , you have access to a full suite of office applications that will provide a significant portion of your core functional requirements .


  21. The Calc application provides these functions within OpenOffice , and it supports many of the same functions and abilities as most other spreadsheet applications .


  22. Write , the word-processor component of OpenOffice , offers the type of environment and compatibility you 'd expect within a typical word processor .


  23. In nearly all cases , the functions in OpenOffice are provided in exactly the same format and naming as with other office suites .


  24. Users of Microsoft Office will be completely familiar with the functions of OpenOffice and how it operates , making migration at the user level much easier .


  25. Microsoft 's OOXML Format is rival to the Open Document Format ( ODF ), which is used by OpenOffice and other applications .


  26. While Microsoft is pushing this concept , OpenOffice applications have implemented ODF for some time and benefit from the XML advantages already identified in the marketplace .


  27. Without countless applications written in VBA ranging from the trivial to mission critical , it is often the reason many companies don 't even consider trying OpenOffice .


  28. OpenOffice is a community project , and support is provided by the community through Web sites , blogs , wikis , discussion lists , and forums .


  29. For example , with OpenOffice , you can export to the PDF from any of the applications directly , without having to use a third-party conversion or export tool .


  30. Most people will be able to use OpenOffice without any special training because the menus , their content , and the functions behind them are nearly identical to other office suites .
