
  • n.外群;外集团;非自己人集团;外围集团
  1. The result will then depend on which outgroup we rely on .


  2. An Experimental Study on the Implicit Effect of Ingroup / outgroup Favoritism


  3. The aggression to outgroup and ingroup is significant higher than control group in low SES group .


  4. The results showed the aggression to outgroup are significant higher than ingroup in high SES group .


  5. A discussion about the determination of character states of outgroups in outgroup analysis in cladistics


  6. If the character state in the outgroup is ancestral , the fewest evolutionary events are required .


  7. For minority group members , the information either from ingroup or from outgroup had no effects on their self-evaluation .


  8. Humans have a natural tendency to discriminate against those who are threatening , such as outgroup members .


  9. Choice of outgroup , tree-making methods , and software may affect the phylogenetic prediction , which may have caused much debate over the subject .


  10. Prinsepia sinensis as outgroup , the maximum parsimony tree was constructed with Mega .


  11. In fact we may even go out of our way to do the opposite of an outgroup ( David & Turner , 1996 ) .


  12. Taking isolate USA as outgroup , the phylogenetic tree was constructed by means of maximum parsimony analysis , and the genetic evolution among isolates was analyzed .


  13. Both the sequences from the samples of ingroup and outgroup together with the 4 corresponding sequences from GenBank were furnished for phylogenetic analysis .


  14. 56 complete cytochrome b nucleotide sequences are used in the analysis to represent 50 Phasianidae species ( 24 genera ) and 6 related genera as outgroup .


  15. By the above three studies , the following conclusions : ( 1 ) rural students in explicit and implicit attitudes , both ingroup favoritism and outgroup preference .


  16. A total of 96 entries conserved in the repository , including 38 species , 17 varieties , three undetermined taxa and one outgroup taxon , were selected and subjected to AFLP analysis .


  17. Nucleotide sequence variation in the internal transcribed spacer ( ITS ) region of the ribosomal gene was investigated in 28 Medicago species , and Melilotus officinalis was included as an outgroup .


  18. Different from the other three dimensions which have explicit definition , social distance has a variety of definitions and is manifested in many forms , including interpersonal relationship , distinction between ingroup and outgroup , social power , politeness , culture and so on .


  19. Mitochondrial gene fragments of 12S and 16S rRNA of six species including 10 populations ( Amolops ), and 4 outgroup species were sequenced . Aligned sequences showed that there were 940 bp in length with 352 variable sites and 186 parsimony sites .
